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只需公证结婚。Only court marriage.

婚姻是终身大事。Marriage is for life.

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我的婚姻结束了。My marriage was over.

他最短的婚姻?His shortest marriage?

找对象是碰运气。Marriage is a lottery.

他迟迟不结婚。He tarries about marriage.

他的婚姻破裂了。His marriage is washed-up.

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姻缘命中定。Marriage comes by destiny.

他们被套上了婚姻的枷锁。They are yoked in marriage.

败军在轭门下通过。They are yoked in marriage.

要对婚姻的目的进行争论。about the telos of marriage.

婚姻是爱情的坟墓。Marriage is the tomb of love.

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他们的婚姻关系破裂了。Their marriage has broken up.

爱情和婚姻总连在一起。Love and marriage go together.

我们的婚姻是包办的。Ours was an arranged marriage.

这桩婚姻就此结束。The marriage ended right then.

你想结婚吗?Do you want marriage? Children?

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他向一位姑娘求婚。He proposed marriage to a girl.

婚姻有很多种含义。Marriage has too many meanings.

她以欺诈的手段骗他跟她结婚。She chicaned him into marriage.