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但是我怀疑这种看法能否站住脚。But I doubt that it can be sustained.

还是一种耐久的持续性呢?Is it sustained periods of continuity?

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这些垅岗由岩石构成。The escarpments are sustained by rock.

这艘船的船底已损坏。The ship sustained damage to her bottom.

这艘船的船底已损坏。The ship sustained damage to her bottom.

对劳伦的爱让他坚持。His abiding love for Laurene sustained him.

法官确认律师反对成立。The judge sustained the lawyer's objection.

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这种收获强度能维持下去吗?Can harvests of this intensity be sustained?

在你的支持鼓舞下,我终于完成了这部作品,Sustained by you,I, at long last, finished my work.

飓风维持时速74英里以上的风速。The hurricanes have sustained winds of 74mph and up.

是的,常有很多与拼魔方相关的伤害。Yes, there are many cubing injuries that are sustained.

极端乐观主义纵容了疯狂的投机事业。Extraordinary optimism sustained an orgy of speculation.

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那些雪片一样飞来的卡片和邮件真的给了他很大的支持。The outpouring of cards and emails really sustained him.

在此期间,她又多次跌落受伤。She sustained more falls and injuries during this period.

躲避或讨厌要求持续的精神负担的任务。Avoids or dislikes tasks requiring sustained mental effort.

故可知人生是由“渐”维持的。Hence it is evident that life is sustained by “gradualness”.

他的扎棉机造就了棉花王国并维持了奴隶的帝国。His gin made cotton king and sustained an empire for slavery.

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尼扎姆说,他父母的人生哲学使餐馆得以幸存。His parents’ philosophy sustained the restaurant, Nizam said.

我看了一眼,两辆车都被撞蹩了。I surveyed the damage. Both cars had sustained serious dents.

在1989年,我损失的最重要的一个幕僚是贝琪.赖特。The biggest staff loss I sustained in 1989 was Betsey Wright.