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紫藤花开了。The wisteria blows.

不要修剪那里的紫藤。Do not trim those wisteria vines.

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紫藤今年开花吗?Did the wisteria blossom this year?

每年,春天都会降临在紫藤街。Spring comes every year to Wisteria Lane.

于是我的丈夫回到了紫藤郡。And so my husband returned to Wisteria Lane.

大树上缠绕着藤萝。There is a wisteria twining round the big tree.

紫藤花给我精神的宁静和生的喜悦。Wisteria to me the spirit of quiet joy and health.

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紫藤街上每个人都深谙交易之道。Yes, everyone knows how to bargain on wisteria lane.

紫藤花悄悄开放,撞击着我的心房,难不成内心还在滚烫?Wisteria is blossoming softly, it hits my heart, isn't my heart still hot?

黄白相间的阳光从我们头顶密密的紫藤的间隙筛下来。Yellow and white drops of sun splashed through the wisteria canopy above us.

在播出七季后,紫藤巷最终挂上了“出售”标牌。After seven series, the "for sale" signs are finally going up on Wisteria Lane.

葬礼之后,柴藤巷所有的居民都来表达他们的敬意。After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects.

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凯特提议在日坛旁的紫藤花园里野餐,那是她出生的地方。Kite suggests to picnic in wisteria garden, next to her birthplace, the Sun Altar.

他院中亲手种植的海棠和紫藤树是北京最老的。The begonias and wisteria he planted in his courtyard are the oldest known in Beijing.

我坐在蓝色长椅上,头上是紫藤花架,那要等到夏天才会开呢。I sat on a blue couch, his head is Wisteria frame, it will have to wait until summer to open it.

她们正在采摘粉红色的雏菊和紫红色的紫藤,打算再摘些柑橘花柠檬花掺杂在一起。They were gathering the pink sulla, purple wisteria , mixing them with orange and lemon blossoms.

您可能想知道为什么“wisteria”的上位词搜索仅返回它的直接上位词“vine”。You may be wondering why a search for hypernyms of "wisteria" only returns its immediate hypernym, "vine."

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他们藤藤下成长,所以我可以使用,顺藤摸瓜,追究他们和它的一个伟大的替代赌注!They grow under wisteria vines so I can use the vine to hold them up and its a great alternative to staking!

果香浓郁,富含苹果和白桃的芳香,并伴有紫藤和洋槐花香。It has a pronounced aroma of wisteria in bloom and acacia flower. It has a fresh flavor and a good structure.

小房间的窗帘拉开着,低檐窗户把外面湿淋淋的、开满花的紫藤框成一幅图画。The curtains in the little room were open. Low square windows framed a dripping wisteria vine in full flower.