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谈及儿子连日以来为情所困。Since the days of son for empathetic.

专业人才懂得如何跟别人感同身受。Professionals know how to be empathetic.

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她的男同学并非都这么有同情心。Not all her male classmates were as empathetic.

重视别人的感情世界的悲与喜,善解人意。Type FOURs are empathetic to feelings of others.

面对其他个体时,他们是服务导向的和感情移入的。They are service-oriented and empathetic to other individuals.

戒毒的人了解戒毒的痛苦,他们知道怎样善解人意。Drug users understand detox and they know how to be empathetic.

只有高瞻远瞩感觉敏锐的人才能成功。Only creative leaders who are visionary and empathetic will succeed.

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因为我们与朋友之间同感关联,比起陌生人,要紧密的多。Because we have an empathetic connection with them that we don't have with strangers.

就算警察不在,受害者、受害者的朋友,或者热心的陌生人都可能在。Even if the law isn't on a case, a victim, his friends, or empathetic strangers might be.

我们很久以前就知道,移情和道德之间没有逻辑关系。Now, we've known for a long time that empathetic feeling is not logically linked to morality.

因为这种每周的轮流管理,每个人都更能体谅其他人的处境。But because we rotate management duties weekly, everyone is more empathetic toward one another.

家长和老师可以以身作则,让孩子知道什么是有同情心的行为。Parents and teachers can set a good example of empathetic behavior by how they behave themselves.

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母亲们倾向于和孩子们建立感性的关系,托伦说。Moms tend to develop a more empathetic and emotional relationship with their children, Tolan says.

最好你要充分宣泄你的感情,尽可能多与善解人意的人们交流思想,要谈到你那位已经离去的心爱人,要把你心里的悲伤哭出声来。The best is to give a vent to your feelings. Speak as much as possible to people who are empathetic.

如果你能理解他们的行为的动机是什么,你就可以用一种新的,感同身受地角度去看他们。If you can understand what motivates their behavior, you may be able to see them in a new, empathetic light.

你富有同情心且善于为他人着想,这让你们的友谊从一开始就很亲密。It’s so easy for you to be compassionate and empathetic that your friendships are intimate right from the start.

在我自己的工作中,我也发现警察可谓是性工作者在工作时能遇到的最为善解人意与乐于助人的角色了。In my own work, I've found that cops are among the most empathetic and helpful people sex workers meet on the job.

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我知道人们通常认为女性比相同地位的男性更容易感情用事,所以他们认为我是一个很容易被左右的人?I know females are typically seen as more empathetic than their male counterparts. So do they think I’m a pushover?

自闭症患者不再“都是视觉型学习者”,就像女人不“都是感性的”或男人不“都是逻辑型思考者”一样。People with autism are no more "all visual learners" than women are "all empathetic" or men are "all logical thinkers.

如何解释那些为专制制度开脱的表现,需要有一份对那些心态和历史经历的设身处地的理解。Explaining this kind of apology for dictatorship requires an empathetic understanding of attitudes and historical experience.