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树根缠绕和诱捕再次对英雄有效。Entangling Roots and Ensnare work on Heroes again.

诱捕的作用时间15秒降低到12秒。Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

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我会教你们如何蛊惑意志,俘获感觉。I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.

这样,她就不可能让你陷入"第二级人选“了。This makes it impossible for her to ensnare you into category two.

他命令属下的飞行员用鱼叉和拖缆绑住步行机的长腿。He ordered his pilots to employ their harpoons and tow cables to ensnare the walkers' legs.

反之则可能使人民进一步陷入贫困和日益恶化的环境中,从而导致一种恶性循环。Or it can further ensnare people in poverty and environmental degradations, creating a vicious cycle.

不过呢,对于那些出类拔萃,拥有特殊天赋的少数人,我可以教你们如何混乱心智和迷惑感官。However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses.

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如果持续的法院案件不会使其牵涉其中的话,非洲国民大会领袖祖玛将会有可能在2009年赢得总统位子。Jacob Zuma, the ANC's party leader, seems likely to win the job in 2009, provided that continuing court cases do not ensnare him.

但是也有可能是猫猫想玩你,你的手一伸过来,迎接你的却是尖牙利爪…An exposed belly, however, can also mean the kitty wants to ensnare you into a whiskered bear trap composed of claws, teeth and agony.

黑寡妇蜘蛛也使用它们的网诱捕猎物,包括苍蝇、蚊子、蚱蜢、甲虫和毛虫。Black widow spiders also use their webs to ensnare their prey, which consists of flies, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars.

这些障碍促使球员和老板双方都采取了法律行动,从而有可能使NBA陷入诉讼风暴,报销2011-2012整个赛季。The roadblock has sparked both players and owners to take legal action that could ensnare the NBA in litigation and sink the 2011-2012 season.

美国政府已耗费很多外交资源反对那些可能会使其军事行动陷入困境的条约和国际组织。The U.S. government has also expended significant diplomatic resources opposing treaties and international organizations that may ensnare American military operations.

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实际上,这是国土安全部在2012年成立的一所空壳学校,属于一场钓鱼行动的一部分。该行动意在诱捕参与学生签证诈骗的犯罪分子。Instead, the university was a fake, set up by the Homeland Security Department in 2012 as part of a sting operation to ensnare criminals involved in student visa fraud.

食肉植物约有675多种,很多都会守株待兔。一株面包大小的捕虫瑾,胶质茸毛,全部展开,引诱昆虫,直至分泌消化液,才合拢。Many of the world's 675-plus carnivorous species set passive traps. A bun-size butterwort bristles with gluey hairs that ensnare insects until digestive juices do their work.