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煮三至五分钟。Cook for 3 to 5 mins.

这又花费了我们30分钟。That takes us 30 mins.

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如何在5分钟内撸死一个男人?How can you lose a man in 5 mins?

将生面团揣上五到十分钟。Scrape up dough and knead for 5 to 10 mins.

我把它敷在脸上一到二分钟。I message it all over the face for 1-2 mins.

将鸡胸肉放入烤炉,以180度高温烤8分钟。Bake the chicken for another 8 mins at 180'C.

敏思是青岛第一份中英双语读物!MINS is the first bilingual magazine in Qingdao.

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维珍的雷达显示30分钟内无雨。No rain forecast for 30 mins according to radar.

小火炖15分钟,让所有食料的味道充分混合。Simmer for 15 mins so all the flavours can mingle.

是再花10分钟来用这支对的笔开始做事。Its spending 10 mins getting the right pen to work.

工程师说是五分钟前突然到的。The engineer said it arrive suddenly before 5 mins.

在热水里焯1-2分钟冷冻过的毛豆。Blanch frozen edamame over boiling water for 1-2 mins.

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@allegiantair就是,我发帖后30分钟他们就致电给我。allegiantair called me within 30 mins of my last post.

你们认为敏儿有发个人专辑的潜力吗?Do you think Mins has the potential to release a solo album?

拖延症是花30分钟去找一支对的笔。Procrastination is spending 30 mins looking for the right pen.

只要看上一眼就行。无须盯着它看5分钟。Just give it a glance, there is no need to stare at it for 5 mins.

取一大平底锅,烧水煮青豆4到5分钟,加盐调味。Cook the beans in a large pan of boiling salted water for 4-5 mins.

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它离璜加雷市也只有25分钟车程,途径松木高尔夫球场。It is 25 mins away from Whangarei city, past the Pines golf course.

一场伟大的胜利,但是,我担心我们让麦迪打了整场48分钟。A great win. But hey, I am worried that we play Tracy whole 48 mins.

放进芥菜再煮10分钟,即可下盐调味享用。Add mustard greens . Cook for 10 more mins. Season with salt. Serve.