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他对高速公路赛车着了迷。He is crazy about speedway racing.

那时我正在69号高速公路上。I was at altamont speedway in '69.

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在高速公路上车子一辆接一辆地飞驰而过。One car after another is speeding by on the speedway.

比赛在单圈一点五哩的肯塔基椭圆形赛道举行。The race was at the 1.5 miler Kentucky Speedway oval.

博讷维尔赛道是唯一能回答这个问题的地方。Bonneville Speedway is the only place to answer this question.

我在哪里可以看电影赛道繁杂的网上免费全速?Where can I watch Speedway Junky movie online free full stream?

京沪铁路、沪宁高速公路、京杭大运河都近在咫尺。And jinghu railway huning speedway jinghang canal are all near at hand.

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它也是一个半小时的车程代托纳国际赛道。It is also an hour and a half drive from Daytona International Speedway.

就它的历史来说,印第安纳波利斯赛道是美国赛车史上非常珍奇的一条赛道。The Indianapolis Motor Speedway is rare in American motorsports, for it is history.

最突出的一天是停在巴纳维亚盐带平地国际赛道。The highlight of the day was stopping at Bonneville Salt Flats International Speedway.

简述了呼绥高速公路粉喷桩的检测过程。The text indicates the detection procedure of powder spray pile at the Husui speedway.

最终把得到的结论应用于高速公路路基处理的工程实践。In the end, this conclusion can be used to practice of roadbed engineering of speedway.

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济青高速公路与胶济铁路横穿市区,交通十分便利。Jiqing speedway and Jiaoji railway cross the city, the transportation is quite convenient.

布拉德佩斯利在代托纳国际赛道表现在代托纳海滩,佛罗里达州,2011年2月20日。Brad Paisley performs at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida, Feb. 20, 2011

因此该赛道为了F1比赛重新设计,把内场的部分区域用作赛道。So the speedway was redesigned for the F1 race, with part of the infield being used for the track.

四个人死在一个自由滚石乐队音乐会在蒙特加州高速公路在忙。Four people die at a free Rolling Stones concert at the Altamont Speedway in Livermore, California.

在信息高速公路上存放数据信息或提供服务的地方就被称之为网站。The place to store data information or to provide certain service on this speedway is called website.

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但是,竞争的真正考验发生在今年夏天,在美国密歇根州的国际赛道上。But the real test for the competition occurred over the summer at the Michigan International Speedway.

高液限粘土作为高速公路路基,其强度和稳定性都不能满足工程要求。The intensity and stability of high liquid limit clay are not enough strong to be roadbed of speedway.

其中高速公路建设项目承担的不合理的税费负担是对其造价影响的一个重要因素。Taking on Irrational charge in building's item of the speedway is one important factor in way of its high-costs.