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我们朝发出声音的地方进行一次齐射。The performance won a salvo of applause.

去年8月,华克斯曼第一次正式发动炮轰。Waxman launched his first formal salvo last August.

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我们朝发出声音的地方进行一次齐射。We pooped off a salvo in the direction of the sound.

三英里之外的采石场进行了爆破作业。Three miles away there was a salvo of blasting in the quarry.

全齐射所有同口径炮塔所有火炮同时射击同一目标。FULL SALVO FIRE IS the simultaneous firing of all guns of a group.

这补偿了它射击精度低和一次齐射只能发射几枚火箭弹的不足。Low target accuracy is compensated or with several missiles per salvo.

一次齐射要花8-12分钟才能抵达目标,视射程而定。A single salvo took 8-12 minutes to reach the target, depending on range.

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齐射同口径火炮炮塔备便并同时瞄准射击同一目标。SALVO FIRE is the simultaneous firing of all guns ready and aimed at the same target.

齐发的鱼雷中,只有一个击中了舰首,引起了低沉的爆炸声。At first, out of a salvo of torpedoes, only one hit the bow and caused a muffled explosion.

俄国人用口诛笔伐乌克兰的方式来纪念俄格战争一周年。RUSSIA marked the first anniversary of its war with Georgia with a verbal salvo against Ukraine.

地空导弹武器系统的连续射击能力是影响其作战效能的重要因素之一。The continuous salvo capability for surface to air missile have a great influence on its firing efficiency.

几分钟之内,总统保留态度的看法就被各大新闻通讯社和电视新闻台铺天盖地地作了报道,接着上了互联网。Within minutes, the presidential salvo is wall-to-wall on the wire services and TV news. Then the Internet.

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普拉昌达总理再次向他所说的“形式上的议会民主”猛烈开火。Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has once again fired a salvo at what he calls 'formal parliamentary democracy. '

蔚山之行打响了郑要使韩国的汽车生产者成为全球性的竞争者的战役。The encounter at Ulsan was the opening salvo in Chung's battle to turn the Korean auto maker into a global player.

在这种破坏性的组合火力齐射下,那些小飞船都被烧掉了——只留下残片和龙骨框架。Under such a destructive salvo of combined fire, the smaller ships burned—leaving only debris and skeletal frames.

蔚山之行打响了郑要使韩国的汽车生产者成为全球性的竞争者的战役。The encounter at Ulsan was the opening salvo in Chung's battle to turn the Korean auto- makers into a global player.

相反,该计划的出台意味着未来两个月白宫将就如何减少赤字展开协商。Instead the plan marks the White House's opening salvo in negotiations over the next two months on how to reduce the deficit.

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通用公司重建活动的第一声鸣响因为它不寻常的语调而不同凡响,这是一个60秒的电视插播广告,于6月2日播出。The first salvo in GM's Reinvention campaign, a 60-second TV spot that hit the air on June 2, is remarkable for its unusual tone.

最近一轮为期5年的营销官司报告声称已分裂了蓬勃发展的自然资源制品业。The report is the latest salvo in a five-year battle over marketing claims that has divided the booming natural-products industry.

分析证明,提高导弹的初段加速度和中段飞行速度是提高连续射击能力的根本技术途径。Analysis show that increasing missile velocity and acceleration are basic technical methods of raising continuous salvo capability.