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平民文化是由平民创造或为他们创造的、反映他们的日常生活和精神风貌的文化。Commonalty culture is created by or for commonalty, reflecting their daily life and spirit.

而追溯新文学大众传统形成的渊源时,武汉抗战无疑应是一个重要的考察对象。When we review the formation of commonalty tradition, Wuhan Defense should be a importment object.

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汉趄,击剑更是朝野风行,不少人以便术显名于天下。In Han dynasty, fencing was more favored by the court and the commonalty and many people were worldly renowned.

新文学在离开学术资源背景之后,走向了日常生活和社会大众。However, after leaving the academic resource background, the modern literature walked up to the daily life and commonalty.

在文化观上,墨子反对儒家倡导的繁琐的上层贵族文化,提倡简易质朴的平民文化。His cultural outlook lies in his objection to the scholastic aristocratic culture favored by Confucianists, his avocation of plain and simple culture of commonalty.

引导大众正确认识智障问题,为智障人士争取“平等机会、平等参与”的社会环境。It leads commonalty to have a correct understanding of mental retarded people and strives for a social environment with equality of opportunities and participation.

婚姻家庭是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,并随着一定物质生活条件的发展变化而变化的。Marriage and family be the commonalty of mankind run to a product of his age , Combine along with by all means matter life condition develop change with the seasons.

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在此期间,新文学中心落址武汉,新文学的大众传统在战争情势下逐渐成形,新的文学规范与格局也初具规模。In the period, the centre of new-vernacular literature located in Wuhan, the commonalty tradition gradually Came into being, and the new standard was also shaping up.

1960年代初期开展的学“毛选”运动,是建国后所发生的一场较大规模的群众性政治运动。The movement of Learning "Chairmen Mao's excerption "in the initial stages of 1960 is comparably a great commonalty political movement after the state was established.

进入21世纪,可持续发展作为一种全新的社会发展观,已为人们普遍接受,并且成为整个人类社会共同致力的目标。In 21st century, sustainable development as an innovative development conception of society has been accepted generally and is supposed to be goal achieved by the commonalty of mankind.

中国朝野也普遍不满战争的失败,希望清政府在边界交涉中能力保疆土不失。The Chinese court and the commonalty are generally discontented with the failure of the war too, hope the Qing Government tries hard to keep the territory not to lose in the border's negotiations.

近年来,大众旅游热的兴起,给风景名胜区造成了巨大的环境压力,许多著名的风景名胜区遭受了严重的人为破坏。In recent years, commonalty tourism is developing at a tremendous pace, it makes enormous environmental pressure on scenic spots. Serious artificial demolish have happened to many famous scenic spots.