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文件报告了342038性能上个月。Filings were reported on 342,038 properties last month.

磁铁产生了磁场,铁屑被磁场的特征所影响。Iron filings are affected by characteristics of this eld.

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他们可以看到股票价格走势图,专利历史和公司的纳税申报情况。They get stock charts, patent histories and corporate filings.

2004年,中国专利申请中的一半,由外企提出。In China half the patent filings in 2004 were by foreign companies.

通过证交会的网址可以查到这些档案。The filings can be accessed electronically through the SEC website.

有219,258申请量今年4月,丧失抵押品赎回权的最新月可用。There were 219,258 foreclosure filings in April, the latest month available.

磁铁和铁能吸引铁粉,形成不同的形状。The iron filings were attracted by the magnet and iron to form different shapes.

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即居住在中国的中国人的专利,在2005年之前的十年中增长了834%。Resident filings by Chinese in China increased over 10 years 2005 by 834 percent.

监管报备显示,在3月9日,这一持仓已经低于必须披露的下限了。The stake fell below the reporting threshold on March 9, regulatory filings show.

埃德加在线数据库检索埃德加证交会备案的讨价还价或公司名称。EDGAR Online — A database of EDGAR SEC filings searchable by ticker or company name.

此外,公司还为非专利合作协定成员国的亚洲国家办理申请业务。The firm also undertakes filings in all Asian countries which are not members of PCT.

法庭文件显示,李永才通过一家名为高义科技的公司出售产品。Li did business using the company name Gaoyi Tech in China, according to court filings.

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这种龙虾导弹填充有硝石,易燃液体和金属片。This spiny missile would be filled with saltpeter, flammable liquid, and metal filings.

不久的将来希罗达加贝伐单抗联合疗法将应用于更多的领域。Additional filings of Xeloda and Avastin combination therapy are planned in the near future.

太多即将上市的公司都竭力想在报备文件中放入缺乏可持续性的高利润率数据。Too many soon-to-be-public companies strain to publish unsustainably robust margins in their filings.

美国破产协会预计,今年的破产申请可能超过150万宗。The American Bankruptcy Institute estimated that the number of filings this year could top 1.5 million.

磁棒四周无形的力场在铁屑排列成行时,一下子展现出了它的真面目。The invisible force field around the magnet becomes suddenly visible when the iron filings fall into line.

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我们使用记事本作必要的修改,以便顺利完成跨平台的编档工作。Using Notepad we made such changes as turned out to be necessary to get the cross-platform filings to work.

加利指出,专利案申请数量的增加反应了国家致力于发展成为创新中心的决心。Gurry says the increase in patent filings reflects the country's commitment to becoming a hub of innovation.

在美国企业申报监管单位的文件及公告当中,帐务异常的状况越来越多.Accounting irregularities are increasingly showing up in U.S. regulatory filings and corporate announcements.