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王柏川连忙同意。Bai-chuan wang hurriedly agreed to.

我又急忙改口说您都听懂了?I also hurriedly say you understand?

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她匆忙地给她的小儿子穿衣服.She dressed her small son hurriedly.

“哦,不”玛丽修女慌忙的说。"Oh, not" said Sister Mary hurriedly.

巴顿慌忙说。Keep it on!" said Mr. Button hurriedly.

我急忙叫道,“我希望没出事吧。”I cried hurriedly. `No accident, I hope?

他慌忙把一支枪塞进口袋。He hurriedly thrust a gun into his pocket.

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她一把把大衣挂回衣柜。She hung her coat hurriedly in the hall closet.

罗逸菲赶紧让钟离别在说了。Luo Yifei hurriedly let clock departure in the said.

两个人赶紧丢下钓鱼竿去救人。Two people hurriedly lost XiaDiao rod to save people.

这时,伏虎来到树林里,小蕙慌忙逃走。At this time, Tiger Woods, small Hui hurriedly escape.

小伟他们赶紧找理由拒绝。Small wei they hurriedly looking for reason to refuse.

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你急急忙忙挂上电话,赶去照顾孩子和陶器。You hang up hurriedly and attend to baby,crockery,etc.

一步两步你要比我……走得快一点。One step, two steps, walk a bit more hurriedly than me.

我兴奋地急忙掏出DC一阵狂拍。I am excited to hurriedly pulled out a while Kuangpai DC.

我上午匆匆匆忙地将我房间里的东西捆牢。I spent the morning hurriedly securing things in my room.

陈研赶紧解释说自己不有意要看的。Chen research hurriedly explained that I dont mean to see.

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他仓促地开始准备混和快干混凝土将洞口补上。He hurriedly prepares the hole and begins mixing the concrete.

一度精心管理的花园顿时变得更为美观了。Once carefully tended gardens have been hurriedly prettied up.

这是危险信号,云风赶紧闭了嘴。This is the perilous semaphore, cloud breeze hurriedly shut up.