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蓝色想要红色的画架。哎!变成紫色了。Blue wants Red's easel. Oh, gee! They change to purple.

我把画从画架上取下来,把它举到窗户前。I took it from the easel and held it up to the windows.

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在骨灰盒边上有一个画架,上面放着我母亲的大照片。A photograph of my mother sits on an easel next to the urn.

在这个房间你也可以发现亚历山大的画架和调色板。In this room you can also find Aleksandr’s easel and palettes.

这是一种设计精巧的画架,可以迅速而俐落地折起收好。This is a well designed easel which folds up quickly and neatly.

同时,也对“架上艺术”所追求的“真实”提出了质疑。At the same time, it oppugned on trueness which was pursued by Easel Art.

壁炉前已经失去金色光泽的画架上面放着爱米丽父亲的炭笔画像。On a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace stood a crayon portrait of Miss Emily's father.

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在这里他用粗木条做了一个画架,并在上面铺了一大张灰色的纸,且画了一幅画。Here he made an easel of rough wood and put a great piece of gray paper on it and drew a picture.

原画放置在坦帕湾地区斯戈默帮助创办的一家银行大厅里的一个画架上。Her painting was placed on an easel in the lobby of a Tampa-area bank Mr. Schirmer helped found.Mr.

在曾梵志的风景画系列中,有些是属于小幅作品,类似传统的黑板画的那样大小。Some of the series of Landscape compositions are relatively small, the size of traditional easel paintings.

六位艺术家的绘画都是梦,他们细腻的情感赋予了架上绘画存在的理由。Six artists are painting the dream, their fine sentiments given the reasons for the existence of Easel Painting.

将图表悬挂在一个便携式黑板展示的方法最好在观众较少时使用——二十或更少的人。A flipchart mounted on a portable easel works best when used with a relatively small audience – 20 or fewer people.

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将架上的图像置换成新状态下的磁场,这是我所说的深层次下的“置换”意义。Displacing the image on the easel by the magnetic field in the new situation is the profound meaning of "transform" I said.

唯一的要求是勇气,因为在博物馆里支起画架放上画布的结果是,人人都来和你说话。The only requirement was bravery, because it turns out that when you put up an easel and canvas in the museum, everyone talks to you.

肖像待在窗边的画架上俯视着花园,而大卫数月裸体蜷曲在画家下得地板上,带着他的狗。It sat on his easel by the window overlooking the garden. For months David sat curled up naked on the floor beneath the easel, with his dog.

超前卫艺术实现了绘画的回归,回归本体艺术,使各种艺术试验回到架上绘画。Trans-avantgrade Art has achieved the return of the painting and return body art, so that the various arts tests returned to easel painting.

用最形象的话来说,汪建伟从画架走进实验室,制作了一系列宣称艺术是一种试验性知识的作品”。In the most literal terms, Wang went from the easel to the laboratory, producing a series of works that claimed art as a form of experimental knowledge.

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第二天早上,我的三速档的自行车捆在车顶上,行李箱和我母亲的画架则塞在汽车尾箱里,我们离开了怀俄明。The following morning, we left Wyoming with my three-speed bike strapped to the roof of the car and our suitcases and my mother’s easel piled in the trunk.

画室画和油板油画包括静物画,肖象画,风景画和风俗画,并能表现光线和氛围的短暂效果。Easel and panel forms include still life, portraiture, landscape, and genre subjects and permit the representation of ephemeral effects of light and atmosphere.

或许他会放下手中的画笔和调色板,站在他的画架旁,而画架上画的透视肯定是无可挑剔的。Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette and stand by his easel with the picture he was painting--the perspective, of course, would be beyond criticism.