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他的言行正在倒退。His behaviour is regressing.

他的行为使她莫名其妙。His behaviour confounded her.

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你能辩明你的行为吗?Can you explain your behaviour?

他的行为等于禽兽。He is like a beast in behaviour.

他的行为是上品的。His behaviour was in good taste.

你的行为使我们大家丢脸。Your behaviour disgraces us all.

你粗鲁的行为使我厌恶。Your rude behaviour disgusts me.

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她的行为让我深感忧虑。Her behaviour deeply troubled me.

你的行为缺乏一贯性。Your behaviour lacks consistency.

他的行为使每个人都嫌恶。His behaviour disgusted everybody.

他的行为很不规矩。His behaviour is highly irregular.

鲁莽行为令人很厌恶。Rude behaviour displeases greatly.

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随之,泡沫行为涌起。Bubble-like behaviour soon emerged.

那是典型的回避行为。That’s typically evasive behaviour.

他的恶劣行为值得注意。His bad behaviour rewards attention.

我们大家都难以接受这种态度。All of us strained at such behaviour.

对在卫生间的行为念念不忘Becoming fixated on toilet behaviour.

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我向他的行为提出进谏。I remonstrated against his behaviour.

他的行为激起公愤。His behaviour outraged public opinion.

她的行为引起了凯尔的妒忌。Her behaviour excited Kehr to jealousy.