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坚持某种乐观的概念,一个新的世界主义。A certain optimism adheres to the notion of a new cosmopolitanism.

你甚至会说互联网天生就是世界主义的。You might even say that the internet is cosmopolitanism by nature.

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桑才思敏锐,写作中带有对历史的感悟和一丝不拘的国际观。Mr Sen writes with dry wit, a feel for history and a relaxed cosmopolitanism.

世界主义被认为很难摆脱犹太主义的色彩。Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti-semitism.

近年来随着国际关系规范理论的复兴,世界主义再次走向前台。With the revival of normative IR theory, cosmopolitanism came to the forefront again.

上世纪90年代坎通纳和坎切尔斯基斯的到来预示着国际化的开始。Eric Cantona and Andrei Kanchelskis prefigured the cosmopolitanism of the last decade.

没有世界主义的支撑,城市的多元和杂种文化都会淍榭。City's pluralism and hybrid culture will wither away without the pillar of cosmopolitanism.

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在世界主义和世界政府之间划一条清晰的界限非常重要。It is important to mark a distinction between Beck's cosmopolitanism and the idea of a world state.

世界主义是当今全球知识界所推崇的一种新的思想观念。Cosmopolitanism is a new ideological conception advocated by the intellectual world all over the globe.

从发现偏见到发奋消除偏见是一个必要的过程,推引他走上世界大同之路。From finding it to fighting it was a necessary step, one that put him on a path toward cosmopolitanism.

世界主义具有深厚的内涵,对当代中国文化的创新与输出具有积极的现实价值。Cosmopolitanism has profound meanings, and it has a positive value to innovation and exportation of contemporary Chinese culture.

世界文学的维度凸显了文学自身的纯粹性和尊严,并担负着弘扬世界主义的使命。The dimension of world literature highlights the purity and dignity of literature, and shoulders the mission of promoting cosmopolitanism.

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世界主义是亚历山大图书馆的指导思想,是连接古亚历山大图书馆和新亚历山大图书馆的桥梁。The Cosmopolitanism is the guiding ideology of the Alexandrian Library and the bridge to connect the old Alexandrian Library with the new one.

但是,在持续一个月的时间里,人们对香港大同主义思想会受到威胁的担心与日俱增,而这正是其相对于中国大陆自治的核心精神之一。But in a month-long row, fears have grown that the cosmopolitanism at the heart of Hong Kong's autonomy from mainland China could be under threat.

中国的帝国主义和世界大同主义继续膨胀,并成为只是有着较短时期相对孤立主义的文化的永恒面。Chinese internationalism and cosmopolitanism grew constantly and were a permanent facet of the culture, with only short intervals of relative isolationism.

天下观从理论上看比较世界主义,而汉民族意识则是具体现实的政治产物。The China or the world is seen to see comparison cosmopolitanism on theory, but and the political product outcome that Chinese clan consciousness is concrete real.

陶以民族主义实现了主体人格转型为民族本位主义的现代教育家,对于基督教教育思想的超越,其本质是基督世界主义与普世价值的民族适应。The essence of the fact that Tao Xingzhi went beyond the Christian educational thoughts is the adaptation of Christian cosmopolitanism to the values of the reality.

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康德政治哲学具体表现在“政治自由主义”和“理想的世界主义”两方面,这是其目的论在政治法律层面的落实。Kants political philosophy is embodied particularly in his "political liberalism" and"ideal cosmopolitanism", as are the political and legal manifestations of his teleology.

世界主义是世界化的基本观念,世界化以其鲜明的现实性和人类性成为超越全球化的有益方向。Cosmopolitanism is the fundamental idea of cosmopolitanization, because of its actuality and humanity, cosmopolitanization becomes a beneficial direction to transcend globalization.

弭兵说的兴起,是近代西方和平主义思潮在中国的回响,也是世界主义思想传统在晚清知识界延续的象征。The rise of the discourse was an echo of modern western pacifism in China, as well as a symbol of the continuation of traditional cosmopolitanism in the Late Qing intellectual circle.