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还有狂野而尖利的号角。And the bugle wild and shrill.

鸥鸟尖利的歌声那样清澈。Shrill song of gulls scavenging.

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被逗弄的女孩们的尖脆叫喊。The shrill screams from tickled girls.

但他的话被一阵刺耳的笑声打断。But he was interrupted by a shrill cackle.

尖音小号,号角中世纪号角,能发出尖利、清晰的音响。A medieval trumpet with a shrill clear tone.

在黄叶中、汉宫里,蝉在鸣叫。Mid yellow leaves in Han palace cicadas shrill.

她发出一声尖叫,然后沉默了。She emitted one shrill cry and then was silent.

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倾侧了一瞬,衬衫呼啸膨胀如气球Tilting there momently, shrill shirt ballooning

广播中充斥着对新税法的尖锐抗议。Shrill protests about the new taxes filled the air.

她的声音变得尖锐刺耳,还开始掉头发。Her voice turned shrill. She began to lose her hair.

她的声音因急迫而异常尖锐,打破了黑暗。Her voice was shrill with urgency and rioted in the dark.

斑马在被狮子抓住时,发出了凄厉的叫声。The zebra squeaked out shrill cries as it was caught by a lion.

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突然地,黑暗中爆发出一个尖厉的声音。All of a sudden , a shrill voice broke forth out of the darkness.

在一串尖声鸣叫的喇叭声中,他快速地跑向她。In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound, he quickly ran to her.

这场争论变得如此尖锐和两极分化,已经让我感到不耐烦了。The argument has gotten so shrill and divisive that I am bored by it.

老子在庄子之前便懂得幽默,一种淡定、尖锐然而洪亮的嘲笑。Laotse had laughed before him, a thin, shrill yet cataclysmic laughter.

这种对讲机有个大声呼唤按钮,按压时会发出嘀嘀尖叫声。The intercom had a loud call button that made a shrill beep when pressed.

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他尖锐的音调划破了宁静,船还是离开了。He cried and his shrill tone troke the quietness, but the ship still left.

一天夜晚,简·爱被她以前听见过的那种尖叫声惊醒。One night Jane is awakened by the same shrill scream she had heard before.

这时,十一岁儿子的尖叫声打断了他的沉思。The shrill voice of his eleven-year-old son interrupted his concentration.