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我要一张去法兰克福的头等单程票。I want a first class single to frankfort.

他的爸爸独自一个去法兰克福了。Their Dad was going on his own to Frankfort.

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我是飞往法兰克福的过境旅客。I am a transit passenger en route to frankfort.

而他们的爸爸却单独一个人去法兰克福了。And their Dad was going on his own to Frankfort.

我想预订一张下星期一去法兰克福的机票。Iw to make a reservation to Frankfort for next Monday.

我想预订一张下星期一去法兰克福的机票。I want to make a reservation to frankfort for next monday.

法兰克福的足球队世界闻名。The football team in frankfort is very famous in the world.

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另外,Frankfort先生已经做好了进军中国市场。In addition, Mr. Frankfort is pushing aggressively into China.

Frankfort先生在采访中谈论他的策略。Mr. Frankfort discussed his strategy in an interview. Excerpts

法兰克福学派力图把精神分析与马克思主义结合在一起。The Frankfort School attempts to combine psycho-analysis with Marxism.

位于法兰克福旧州议会前的戈贝尔雕像。A statue of Goebel stands in front of the Old State Capitol in Frankfort.

和平协议在法兰克福签署,阿尔萨斯和洛林。Peace was signed at Frankfort surrendering the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to the Germans.

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圣戈班已在巴黎、伦敦、法兰克福、苏黎士、布鲁塞尔、阿姆斯特丹等交易所上市。Saint-Gobain is listed on the stock markets in Paris, London, Frankfort , Zurich, Brussels, Amsterdam.

法兰克福学派从人与人关系的角度展开了对科学技术统治的批判。The school of Frankfort criticizes science and technology in terms of the relation between man and man.

“生产者文本”概念对法兰克福学派的大众文化意识形态控制思想进行了彻底的颠覆。The concept of "producer-style text" overthrows thoroughly the ideas on ideological control of Frankfort school.

此时,他们带着车票和护照正朝波恩走,而他们的爸爸却单独一人去法兰克福了。Right now they were going to Bonn with the tickets and passports, and their dad was going on his own to Frankfort.

在法兰克福学派中最先涉及且发展出一套完整的通俗文化理论体系的思想家是洛文塔尔。In Frankfort school, it is Lowenthal, a great thinker, who first developed a complete theoretical system of popular culture.

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弗兰克福特说,他正在构建一个“多渠道”的在华分销战略,其中还包括开设工厂折扣店和精品店中店。Frankfort said he's planning a 'multi-channel' distribution strategy in China, which also includes discount factory stores and in-store boutiques.

1848年梅特涅垮台以后,德意志民族主义领袖在法兰克福召开会议,他们同意建立一个永久的德意志邦国联盟。German nationalist leaders met in the city of Frankfort after the fall of Metternich in 1848. They agreed to form a permanent union of German states.

汉莎航空称A380取代波音747执行每周3班的北京至法兰克福飞行任务,将为旅客提供更为舒适的体验。Lufthansa said it would have 3 flights from Frankfort to Beijing per week, replacing the Boeing 747 "to provide customers with a more comfortable tour experience."