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你要惊动被风吹的叶子吗?要追赶枯干的碎秸吗?Will you torment a windblown leaf? Will you chase after dry chaff?

天开始下起雪来,一阵被风吹乱的白絮撒满了这座城市。It had begun to snow a windblown powder that lightly dusted this city.

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只要时间充足,干涸的湖泊或风沙沼泽地都会成为阔叶林。Give it enough time and that's what a drying lake or a windblown sand bog will become.

我的新人不相信你的真实性,他们从风吹团而来。My new men do not believe that you are real. The ones who came over from the Windblown.

忘却了大风过后的东倒西歪、粉红色的三文鱼、修道院的废墟和库尔的野天鹅。Forget the windblown scenery, the pink salmon, the monastic ruins and the wild swans at Coole.

骑车的人被风和细沙阻碍着在冰上直行了十个小时。With windblown grit giving traction, the cyclists pedaled up to ten hours straight on the ice.

在最远处的山顶上,风卷着积雪宛如蔚蓝天幕上的一条白链。From the uttermost point of which a plume of windblown snow made a white stain on the blue sky.

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被风吹起的红叶沿着阶段梯不停地漂移,似乎看到冬雪的前兆很快就会来到。Windblown autumn leaves form drifts along a stairway, a precursor of winter snows soon to arrive.

风带来了黄土高坡的尘土,掺杂着一层当地的煤粉,落在了她的鞋上。The windblown dust from the Loess Plateau, along with a layer of local coal dust, had settled on her shoes.

天,越来越黑了,我把衣领子弄高,来抵御狂风还有沙子,那四处飞舞的沙子打在皮肤上,就像蜂蜇一样。The sky is turning blacker and I'm hiking up my coat collar against the gusts and the windblown sand stings like needles.

他自比随风漂泊的浮云,云游四海五个月,历经春夏秋,眼前景象几乎无不令他欣喜不已。Comparing himself to a windblown cloud, he wandered for five months, from spring through fall, exulting in almost every view.

喜盐的高大草本植物在海滨生态系统长势良好,并且有助于保护由风吹走的麦粒堆积而形成的沙丘。The salt-loving tall grass thrives in beach ecosystems and helps to form and protect sand dunes by collecting windblown grains.

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这段丘陵估计绵延了30公里,似乎是因风中所携带的沙尘收到地形的阻遏,堆积成为这一壮观地形。The dune field itself is roughly 30 kilometers long, and appears to have formed from windblown material trapped by the local topography.

整体而言,火星表面岩屑通常含有撞击喷出物质和来自泥流或洪水的碎屑,混合著风吹尘土层。In sum, the Martian regolith generally consists of impact ejecta and debris from mudflows or floods, interstratified with windblown dust.

岩芯证实了一段持续了戏剧性的三百年的风尘。风尘的时间可以追溯到阿卡滇瓦解的同一时期。The core documents a dramatic 300-year period of windblown dust that could be dated to roughly the same period as the Aickadian collapse.

各地报道称,天空中偶尔会飘落罕见的红色、黄色、黑色雪花,这可能是由于花粉、风吹的尘土或灰烬和烟灰粘在雪上面造成的。There are occasional reports of red, yellow, or black snow falling from the sky, probably due to pollen, windblown dust, or ash and soot.

广场中央有一个战争纪念碑状的建筑,半掩在风中的圣诞树后面,周围张挂着彩灯。Strung all around with colored lights, there was what looked like a war memorial in the middle, partly obscured by a windblown Christmas tree.

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但格拉拉的努力最后有了回报,最起码他拍到了他想要的照片,那就是著名的照片——‘风中的杰奎琳’“我把它称为我的蒙娜丽萨,”他这样说道。But Galella's obsession paid off, at least photographically, with his most famous shot, Windblown Jackie. "I call it my Mona Lisa, " he's said.

但是机遇号对于火星地理结构的解读总是揭示出一个存在于远古火星的,来自于海洋性酸股介水坑的废弃风沙之地。But the geologic story it read there always spoke of an ancient martian wasteland of windblown dunes pocked by the occasional acid-laced puddle.

风沙型沙质荒漠化主要分布在上述沙地的边缘地带,如毛乌素沙地以南的覆沙黄土区等。The windblown sandy desertification is distributed mainly at the edge of above deserts, such as sand-covered loess areas at the south of Mu Us Shadi desert.