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你的车真的积满了灰尘。Your car sure is dusty.

天也蓝,云也白。Navy sky and dusty white.

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空气中透着干燥和一种灰尘的味。The air smells dry and dusty.

让别人去走污浊的道路Leave the dusty road to others

你衣服上全是土。Your clothes are dusty all over.

玫瑰色带有赤褐色底调。Dusty rose with russet undertones.

灰尘多,我们必须每天掸灰。It's dusty. We must dust every day.

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一串串绿萝,挂在我当年尘封的窗。Green vines, out of my dusty window.

他把一套积满灰尘的书搬下了书架。He took down a dusty row of volumes.

他把一套积满灰尘的书搬下了书架。He took down a dusty row of volumes.

夏天又极热,而且灰尘很多。And summer is extremely hot and dusty.

勿放近多油或多尘埃的地方。Do not put in more oil or dusty place.

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整日行走在积尘的常理之道。Trodden the dusty road of common sense.

潺潺溪流洗尘心。The gurgling brook washes my dusty mind.

小灰狗激动地、不断地舔牠主人的脸。Dusty licked the farmer's face excitedly.

它灰暗色,满是灰尘,但十分逼真。It was dark and dusty and very realistic.

这里冬天风沙很大。It's very windy and dusty here in winter.

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我转动了那积满灰尘的门把,用力地把门拉开了。I turned the dusty knob and heaved it open.

有一年春天这里风沙很大。One spring it was very windy and dusty here.

他拖出了一个布满灰尘的旧磨石机。And he pulled out this dusty old rock tumbler.