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他是矮矮胖胖的。He is stout.

这匹马很肥实。This is a stout horse.

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这棵树很奘。This tree is very stout.

他是脸色红润,非常强壮。He is a stout man, red of face.

他是球队的坚决拥护者。He is a stout supporter of the team.

我是一个小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。I am little teapot, short and stout.

我是一把小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。I'm a little teapot short and stout.

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那猎人是个结实健壮的人。The hunter was a stout lusty fellow.

我是一把小茶壶,矮矮又胖胖的小鬼。I'm a little teapot, short and stout.

我是一把小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。I’m a little teapot, short and stout.

而我们的心,虽勇敢坚定And our hearts, though stout and brave

他砍了一根结实的树枝用来拄着走路。He cut a stout stick to help him walk.

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任我们的心勇敢又坚强。And our hearts, though stout and brave.

我们的心哪——虽然勇敢坚强And our hearts , though stout and brave.

甚至苗条的女孩也能变成强健的妇女。Even slim girls can become stout matrons.

她太过丰满穿不下礼服。She is getting too stout for her dresses.

那肥胖的老人一跩一跩地穿过马路。The stout old man waddled across the road.

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股强劲的顺风正在给予有利的推动。A stout tailwind was giving a friendly boost.

他太胖,以致穿不下旧衣服。He was too stout to fit into his old clothes.

更好的建议是买个圆盾,再在边线的野店合成这个装备。Better to get a stout and work on this with the side shop.