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严重多发伤是同时包括两个以上脏器或解剖部位的严重损伤。Serious multiple trauma is that more than two viscus or places are simultaneously involved.

血液化验、内脏器官观察和病理检验结果,均无异常改变。Animals had no abnormal change through blood assay, viscus organ observation and pathology assay.

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随年龄增加,人体基础代谢率降低,内脏脂肪面积不断增高,增加生活习惯性疾病的发病率。Basal metabolic rate decrease and viscus fat area rise with age, it add the disease rate of life habits.

试验表明从鱼白中分离得到核酸,远比其他下脚料容易。The results show that the separation of nucleic acid from protamine is far more easy than from other viscus.

结论RPFS的病理生理特征是以盆腔脏器为主的多部位、多系统、多脏器松弛性改变。Conclusion The relaxing changes of the supporting tissue of many viscus fefer to several systems are the pathophyicsiologic of the RPFS.

其中对中国林蛙的研究包括蛙体的各个部位,如皮肤、肌肉、内脏和脑,并且以鱼肉做对照实验。The study on Rana Chensinensis refer to every part of body, like skin, muscle, viscus and brain, also we use fish to do control experiment.

脏腑辨证是运用中医藏象学说指导临床的重要辨证方法之一。Viscus discrimination is one of the important discrimination method that use the viscera theory to guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment.

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不能用简单的粘性来解释一种明显的特征是泥石流的钝形终端,或陡的外缘。A striking feature not explainable in terms of simple viscus behavior is the characteristically blunt terminations or steep outer margins of debris flow.

临床剖检发现内脏器官整体色泽暗淡,颜色蜡黄,肝脏表面透明,水肿,但没有出现渗出液。Clinic anatomise showed that whole viscus colour and lustre gray ceroid liver surface lucency dropsy but no extravasate appeared in carp fed diet lack of ve.

肥胖机制研究主要从针刺对中枢神经、体内活性物质、神经内分泌功能、物质代谢、内脏功能的影响探讨。Researches on simply obesity mechanism mainly discuss the effect of acupuncture on central nerve, active material, neuroendocrine function, substance metabolism and viscus function.