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什么是软广告?What is soft advertisement?

郭采洁化妆品广告。Advertisement of the cosmetics.

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广告翻译服务社。Advertisement Translation Servic.

薄利多销〔商店广告用语〕。Advertisement helps to sell goods.

Coops油漆壁上广告Coops Paint Building Advertisement

年册赞助广告费,可自由选择。Sponsor advertisement fee is optional.

存储器会保存一个广告。The memory may store an advertisement.

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我能在这儿做个广告吗?Can I plug in advertisement right here?

他把他的眼睛顺着广告栏往下扫视。He ran his eyes down the advertisement.

不过有人怀疑这是广告。But someone doubts it is an advertisement.

你供职于哪家广告公司?Which advertisement company did you serve?

我的专业是广告学。My profession is an advertisement to learn.

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我们的报纸广告很吸引人。Our newspaper advertisement drew very well.

他把广告钉在广告板上。Advertising and advertisement are different.

这个二手汽车广告是个大骗局。The used car advertisement is a big rip-off.

广告表、礼品表、袋表。Advertisement watch, Gift watch, Pocket watch.

有一天,她看到一则有关奥比斯的广告。One day, she saw an advertisement about ORBIS.

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经济全球化正通过广告进行着。The world is globalizing through advertisement.

什么是财付通广告平台?。What is platform of money Futong advertisement?

你有留意卓悦的广告吗?。Have you ever seen any advertisement of Bonjour?