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他已经受到恐吓和公然猥亵罪的指控。He's been charged of menacing and public indecency.

这里面暴露了他的赤裸裸的动机,竟达到有失体统的地步。It carried naked truth about his motives into indecency.

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有一会儿,她疑心自己做了什么不体面的事。For a moment she suspected herself of having committed an indecency.

你指给我看看,世界上哪个国家是标榜自己歪门邪道、阴损下流的。Show me a country on earth that prides itself on unfair play and indecency.

1952年,他被判处严重猥亵罪——实际上,是因为同性恋受刑。In 1952, he was convicted of gross indecency – in effect, tried for being gay.

我国的刑法仅仅只将强制猥亵妇女和儿童的行为犯罪化。In our country, the act of compulsory indecency women and children has been offended.

我们授权下流行径,就不可能不危害到我们以公正社会为形式的生存。And we cannot authorize indecency without jeopardizing our survival as a decent society.

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黄建通与萧爱薇目前因行为不端在吉隆坡市政府法院接受审讯。Ooi and Siow will now be taken to court for indecency at Kuala Lumpur's city hall's court.

积存大量安全套的店主,可能会被指控在公共场所鼓励猥亵行为。The owners who stockpile a supply of rubbers may be accused of encouraging public indecency.

在日本暴露自己显然受制于公开猥亵罪的范围或轻罪。Exposing yourself in Japan would apparently come under the ambit of a public indecency crime or a misdemeanor.

伟丁指出,鼓动妇女做出下流动作的囚犯将失去数周的被探视权利。Inmates who encourage women into acts of indecency can lose their visitation privileges for weeks, Wedding said.

这些节目必须符合保守监督群体制定的规定,不能有丝毫下流的镜头。These programmes must pass the muster of conservative watchdog groups on the look-out for any signs of indecency.

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一位马拉维法官拒绝了一对男同性恋者的保释申请,据悉此二人订婚后因为公开猥亵罪而遭指控。Malawian judge has rejected a bail application by two gay men charged with public indecency after getting engaged.

戴维说,他只希望参加者别在不合时宜的场合进行这项活动,以免因猥亵罪遭到逮捕。He said he only urged participants to undertake the challenge in an area where they would not get arrested for indecency.

我从没被强推着上下列车,也从没见过一次争吵或者任何其他的公共场所不恰当行为。I've never been forced or pushed onto or off of a train and I've never seen a fight or any other type of public indecency.

1952年,图灵承认了他曾在曼彻斯特与一男子发生性关系,据此他被判处犯有严重猥亵行为。In 1952, Turing was convicted of "acts of gross indecency" after admitting to a sexual relationship with a man in Manchester.

在这个专栏,我将解释为什么从宪法角度来说不良法律立基不稳。In this column, I'll explain why indecency law has always been on extremely tenuous ground, from a constitutional perspective.

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盖德因为对两名11岁的小姑娘进行猥亵而入狱三年,8月19日越南政府将其驱逐出境。On August 19th Vietnam expelled Mr Gadd after he had served almost three years in prison for indecency with two girls aged 11.

警察最近勇敢地猛扑一个有16人参加的私人“内衣派对,”以公开猥亵罪将其中的一半人逮捕。Police recently bravely swooped on a private "lingerie party" with 16 participants, arresting half of them for public indecency.

苏丹一个法庭当日判决7名男子"猥亵罪",原因是警察指控他们在首都喀土穆的一场时尚秀中化了妆。A Sudanese court convicted seven men of indecency Wednesday after police accused them of wearing makeup during a fashion show in Khartoum, Sudan.