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适应性和灵活性。A. Adaptability and flexibility.

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适应性突然失灵,陷入网格锁。Adaptability conks out into grid -lock.

红三叶的适应性也较好。The adaptability of red clover was also good.

安格斯牛适应性强,繁殖率高。Angus' adaptability is very capable, the fertility is high.

注气管线适应性改进研究。Research on improvement of gas injection pipeline adaptability.

该方法准确性高、适应性强、可操作性好。It has high veracity, strong adaptability &good maneuverability.

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基于以上认识,萨氏的道德领导理论在中国没有适应性。Thus Suchmine's moral leading theory has no adaptability in China.

改变需要灵活多变与勇气,它在你的世界里此起彼伏。Change is constant in your world requiring adaptability and courage.

桑德海姆又一次的展现出他的多才多艺和改编能力。Sondheim again was able to show his versatility and his adaptability.

探索苇状羊茅在安康地区适应性。The research aimed to discuss the adaptability of fescue in Ankang area.

该助剂对不同催化剂具有很好的适应性。The said promotor had good adaptability with various cracking catalysts.

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YC捕收剂对辉钼矿的适应性较强。YC collector had a strong adaptability for molybdenite of different ores.

文章报道了地被菊在海南引种的适应性情况。The adaptability of ground-cover Chrysanthemum group in Hainan is studied.

结果表明其较好的控制效果和较强的自适应性。The results prove that it has good control performance and high adaptability.

这种连贯接口的主要优势在于其适应性。The main advantage of this style of fluent interface lies in its adaptability.

敏捷信息系统是具有可重构能力的快速适应性系统。Agile information system is the one of re constructivity and fast adaptability.

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小麦品种的高产稳产及适应性是优良小麦品种的必备条件。High-yield stability and adaptability are prerequisite to good wheat varieties.

它们的魅力特性一般包含适应性与耐久力。Their attractive characteristics frequently include adaptability and hardiness.

谷氨酸在晕船适应的过程中可能发挥重要作用。Glutamate might play an important role in the seasickness adaptability formation.