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两个脚本的作用相同。Both scripts function identically.

你可以认为其股价为零The share price, you could say, is identically zero.

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许多段落逐字逐句都是一模一样的。Many passages are identically the same, word for word.

第三,它以同样的方式对待属性和子元素。Thirdly, it treats attributes and subelements identically.

列车所有侧门的操作方法相同。All side doors throughout the trainset operate identically.

这就确保了所有集群实例功能保持一致。This ensures that all cluster instances function identically.

“变异体”的功能几乎与道金斯的变异引擎完全相同。The Mutator functioned almost identically to Dawkins's mutating engine.

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他太太和岳母同时也气喘吁吁、面容憔悴地赶到了那里。His wife and his mother-in-law arrived there with identically puffy, aged faces.

每个创建好的实例会有完全相同的配置,但会有不同的身份。Each created instance will be identically configured, but have a distinct identity.

但是科学家声称这一记忆系统在人身上几乎同样的起作用。But scientists say this memory system is likely to work almost identically in people.

只要能够复制所有的目录和文件,使用任何方法都可以。You can use any method that will result in all directories and files being copied identically.

这两个过滤器的行为在功能上是完全一样的,但它们的性能可能相差很大。Functionally, these two filters will behave identically. However their performance can be quite different.

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如果一根键连的两个原子,对键上的电子吸引程度是完全等价的,那么这根键是非极性的。Well, if this bond has completely identically equal sharing of electrons, then this bond will be nonpolar.

在我们的示例中,受管理路由路径的用法是有效的,因为需要将所有消息按照完全相同的方式进行路由。The use of administered routing paths in our example is valid because all messages need to be routed identically.

模拟难以用跨平台的统一方式实现,它们也需要额外的API。Emulations are hard to implement such that they behave identically across platforms, and they require additional APIs.

财务可持续增长并非完全等同于传统意义上的平衡增长,也不仅仅指销售可持续增长,它具有更广泛的内涵。It shows that SGR is not identically equal to the traditional balance growth, and not just refers to the SGR on sales.

在本文中,我们将只针对用户树,要记住用户和系统树的行为是一样的。In this article, we will address the user tree only, keeping in mind that the user and system trees behave identically.

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斯班咖啡馆从1880年开始营业,仍旧保持着开张时用的家具——从衣帽架到椅子都是原来的。Cafe Sperl dates from 1880, and is still furnished identically to the day it opened -- from the coat tree to the chairs.

在高等代数的教学教研中,经常要涉及到有关分式恒等问题。During the teaching and research of higher mathematics, we often touch upon the problems about fraction identically equal.

服务器机群包含大量运行不同配置应用程序服务器的低成本计算机或集群。Server farms consist of large numbers of low-cost machines running identically configured application servers or clusters.