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一群猎狗把野猪围困住。The hounds bayed the boar.

野猪拱倒了一棵树。The boar snouted a tree down.

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布哈依要去找野猪。Buha by to look for wild boar.

小母猪舍不应接近刺激用的公猪。Do not house gilts near stimulus boar.

我追他的时候他像个野猪一样流汗。He sweated like a boar when I caught him.

这头种猪走动时肚子离地六英寸。This boar walks six inches off the floor.

土耳其是一个或公猪还是什么?Is it a turkey or a boar or something else?

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公野猪看到了布哈依,就不管三七二十一的冲了过来。Boar seen by Buha, the impulse to just-over.

他用刺刀猛刺那头野猪。He jabbed at the wild boar with his bayonet.

这种方法能合理地使用公猪。This method can be a reasonable use of boar.

野猪很容易和家猪杂交。Wild boar readily hybridizes with the domestic pig.

如果一个母猪与一个野猪交配将会生下什么来呢?What will be produced if a sow runs with a wild boar?

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想着想着,布哈依已经来到了野猪洞。I kept thinking, has come to a wild boar by Buha hole.

从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。Once upon a barren moor here dwelt a bear, too a boar.

公野猪发情无季节性,可以常年配种。Wild boar estrus none seasonally and mate all the year.

从前,在一个贫瘠的荒野里住了一只熊和一只公野猪。Once upon a barren moor there dwelt a bear, also a boar.

当野猪离他不到七十五呎的时候,他开了枪。When the boar was a scant seventy-five feet away, he fired.

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小兔子一跳上来,青蛙的西瓜船又大了一些。Big wild boar a jump up, the frog watermelon ship big a lot of.

这种靶一般用跑猪或跑鹿。The targets usually represent a running boar or a running deer.

这头公野猪也作为送给香格莉最后的礼物了。This is the first boar and as a final gift given to a Hong Geli.