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它丢失了一个原子。It loses an ion.

这是一种离子气体。Here is an ion gas.

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我们可以用氩离子。We could use argon ion.

你的报告不够准确。Your report lacks precis ion.

那个家族拥有一座气派的大厦。The family owns a lordly mans ion.

一阵喧闹声转移了我们的注意力。A loud noise diverted my attent ion.

我边说边用手指着比划。I said with hands moving de script ion.

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氢氧根离子有一个负电荷。The hydroxyl ion has a negative charge.

入读名牌大学是我的目标。Admi ion to a top university is my goal.

该溶液是酸性的含钾离子水溶液。The solution is acid potassium ion aqua.

他挥手以吸引我的注意力。He waved his hand to catch my attent ion.

大量的键通过任意离子形成。Plurality of bonds can form from any ion.

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这是氯离子,把它放这儿。So, this is the chloride ion. It's over here.

我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion.

他总想成为注意力的焦点。He always wants to be the focus of attent ion.

对于任何离子,能形成很多键。It allows for plurality of bonds from any ion.

钴的萃取被亚硫酸盐离子遮蔽。Extraction of cobalt was masked by sulfite ion.

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我们说我们被要求解2价正离子。So, let's say we're asked for the plus two ion.

并探讨了亚铁离子的作用机理。The action mechanism of ferrous ion was studied.

不要害怕尝试你自己的时尚。Don't be afraid to experiment with your fash ion.