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彼此不相统属。Neither is subordinate to the other.

安吉拉曾是她下属中一个快嘴的人。Angela was a fast subordinate of hers.

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应以职务镲为主,娱乐为次。Pleasure should be subordinate to duty.

所有从句都是树的叶子。All subordinate clause are trees leafage.

少数服从多数。The minority is subordinate to the majority.

过去女人被认为是从属于自由民的。Women were regarded as subordinate to free men.

相对这个问题,其他问题都是次要的。All the other issues were subordinate to this one.

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安徽怀远方言属江淮官话。Huaiyuan dialect is subordinate to Jianghuai mandarin.

可惜,这时的他已经是我下属的护花护者。Unfortunately, he is my subordinate guardian protector.

部门经理把工作移交给下属。The deparment manager devolved the work on a subordinate.

手底下管着的事情,还不容易吗。The subordinate takes concern of of affair, also not easy.

我们罗马人是自己服从于罗马,并且只服从于罗马。We Romans subordinate ourselves to Rome, and only to Rome.

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双击一个列表条目将打开它的从属对象。Double-clicking a list entry opens its subordinate objects.

她觉得要听她以前部下的指挥很降格。She find it a comedown to listen to her former subordinate.

所有其他的法律都受其影响,并从属于它。All other law falls under and is subordinate to that document.

公证处之间没有隶属关系。There are no subordinate relations between notaries ' offices.

领导人可能会从一个下属单位,其他…Leaders may be transferred from one subordinate unit to another.

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部队行到半道,日军军官派出一个部下探路。Troops line got to, the Japanese officer sent a subordinate units.

国家邮政局改由交通运输部管理。The State Post Bureau will be subordinate to the Ministry of Transport.

没准儿,只是老大哥觉得这个下属太得民心,除去为妙。Perhaps Big Brother was merely getting rid of a too-popular subordinate.