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奴役住族「制劳动」。Enslavement of Aborigines through forced labor.

她们必须设法从奴隶主人的角度反过来看待自身的遭遇。They must begin to see their enslavement from the point of view of the slaveholder.

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她们毫不认为自己低微的生活地位有何“可爱之处”,而是把它看作是她们受奴役的条件。They saw no "harm" in their modest life roles, but only the terms of their enslavement.

欧洲人在为奴役非洲人做辩解时,不也是说的同样的话么?Isn't that the same thing that the European said to justify the enslavement of Africans?

不要允许你们的政府掩盖真相,不要让他们在对你们的奴役中狼狈为奸。Do not allow earthly authorities to whitewash the truth and their complicity in your enslavement.

早在2004年,她就将同性恋生活方式与“人身依附”,“痛苦绝望”以及“个人奴役”画上了约等号。In 2004 she likened the gay lifestyle to "personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement".

他们当中有许多人在国内实际沦陷在奴役状态中,在邻国受到极度的剥削。Many of these people face literal enslavement at home and extreme exploitation in neighboring countries.

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它是日本侵略者在沦陷区实行思想奴化活动的帮凶。It is the accomplice of Japanese invaders to carry out ideological enslavement activities in enemy-occupied area.

对于黑人的奴役和美洲原住民的消灭,他提出怎样的批评?What judgments does he offer about the enslavement of blacks and the extermination of Native Americans in America?

日本侵华期间,在沦陷区实施了彻底的奴化教育。During the invasion period of Japan to China, Japan implemented the thorough enslavement education in the enemy-occupied area.

这个古老的宗教仪式沿用下来,并和这个犹太人脱离奴役的故事联系起来。The rituals of these older groups were retained and then linked to the story of the enslavement and liberation of the Hebrews.

在马克思主义出现之前很久,就一直存在着传授各种彻底灭绝或奴役战败者的全面战争的学说。There had been, long before Marx, doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated.

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资本主义社会的物役性是指在资本主义社会里人受资本支配、物奴役人的现象,是资本主义异化的结果,是人与物的关系颠倒的表现。Thing enslavement of capitalist society refers to the phenomenon of people arranged by capital and enslaved by things in capitalist society.

人权观察组织指责缅甸军人“严重虐待”缅甸北部克钦邦少数民族平民,包括奴役和杀人。Human Rights Watch is accusing Burmese soldiers of "serious abuses" against civilians in northern Kachin state, including enslavement and murder.

作为一个初学者,你给教会捐款,就是为虎作伥、助纣为虐,就是在促进对人类同胞的奴役。For starters when you donate to a major religion, you support its expansion, which means you’re facilitating the enslavement of your fellow humans.

这些所谓的绿林好汉反抗帝国主义者的压迫制度,并在采矿营地奴役时代做出了顽强的抵抗。These so-called Robin Hoods fought the oppression regime of the imperialists and provided active resistance during the mining camp enslavement era.

我认为,正确的态度应该是顺应时代的潮流,做时代的主人,而不要做二十一世纪的奴隶。I think the right attitude is to go with the tide of the times and live as a master of our time without submitting to a kind of 21st century enslavement.

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首先阐述网络问题主要表现在网络犯罪、网络病毒、信息垃圾、网络沉溺等等方面。Firstly, it expatiates that problems mainly involve network crime, virus, information rubbish, hacker attack and human enslavement in network communication.

他曾在本周一强烈的辩驳自己女儿所有的起诉,并且否认谋杀罪和奴役罪,却在星期二突然认罪。Having fiercely contested many of his daughter's claims and pleaded not guilty to murder and enslavement on Monday, he is suddenly confessing to everything.

文章第三部分分析了日伪为实施奴化教育所采取的种种策略。Part III mainly analyses all sorts of tactics which were engaged in byJapanese and puppet regime in order to carry out education of enslavement effectively.