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现在已过中午了。It is past noon.

我中午时很困。I'm sleepy at noon.

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中午时本人们吃了一顿饭。At noon we ate a meal.

钟以报过午时。The clock struck noon.

中午12点半开始吃饭。Noon 12.30 began to eat.

那是午炮。That's the Noon Day Gun.

中午时分雾散了。The mist lifted at noon.

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在某个流火的正午干涸!Some burning noon go dry!

我们明天中午开船。We sail at noon tomorrow.

都还没有上升到天盖。Has not attained his noon.

到了正午她的羊水已经破出。By noon her water hadbroken.

他应许午时打电话来?。He promised to call at noon.

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我们在正午吃午饭。We always eat lunch at noon.

自中日至昃不雨。No rain from noon till night.

一般的工作餐多在午间进行。General lunch at noon in more.

村民们一路疾行,直至正午时分。The villagers fled until noon.

工人在中午时停止工作。The workers quit work at noon.

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我们想在中午结账离开旅馆。We'd like to book out at noon.

在每一个早晨、午间和夜晚。every morning, noon and night.

中午12点才出太阳,the sun comes up about 12 noon