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该网的空中家园。The reticulum of our skyward home.

她抬头挺胸,鼻孔朝天地走。She walked with her shoulders back and her nose pointing skyward.

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摩托车被点燃,耀眼的火焰冲天而起。Motorbikes were set on fire, sending bursts of bright flame skyward.

指数曲线先是缓慢开始,然后如同火箭直冲云霄般的趋于无穷。Exponential curves start slowly, then rocket skyward toward infinity.

网络营销是强大引擎涡轮驾驶这矗立趋势。Network marketing is the powerful engine turbo-driving this skyward trend.

骑着斑溪兽的战士们高举长矛和弓箭,鞭策着他们的座骑飞向天空。Banshee riders raise spears and bows, spurring their mounts to leap skyward.

不过今天仅仅计划出台就已让市场狂升。But today just the emergence of the plan was enough to send the markets skyward.

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这种不确定性导致对粮食的恐慌性购买,以至物价飞涨。And that uncertainty leads to panicky purchases of grain, driving prices skyward.

美国海军下一代电磁弹射系统成功地把第一架飞机弹射入空The Navy's Next-Gen Electromagnetic Catapult System Hurls its First Planes Skyward

据圣经所述,他并没有死而是乘着燃火的马车上了天。According to Scripture, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire.

自从收购这只希腊花瓶以来,古董的价格一路飙升。Since the acquisition of the Greek vase, the prices of antiquities have shot skyward.

垃圾某些时候也不坏,杜库暗想着,这股冲力又把杜库抛向半空中。Garbage is good for something, after all, he thought as the momentum sent him skyward.

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我并不想举手,但有一种比我自身更强大的力量抬起了我的手。I didn’t want to raise my hand, but some force much stronger than I was pulled it skyward.

为了能够达到自己潜能的顶点,我们必须先去实现更小的目标并且搭建通往最终目标的天梯。To reach the apex of one’s potential, one has to accomplish smaller goals and build skyward.

圣海伦火山喷出烟雾和火山灰,火山爆发的天空再一次10月17日,1980年。Mount St. Helens spews smoke and ash skyward as the volcano erupts once more on October 17th, 1980.

这架飞机后置的推进器产生推力,之后他就能上天下地了。The craft's rear-mounted pusher propeller then launches the Transition down the runway and skyward.

爆炸使周围很多房子摇晃,火焰和浓烟冲向天空。Explosions rocked a neighbourhood of half-million-dollar homes, sending flames and plumes of smoke skyward.

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“猎鹰者“731的“加勒特”TFE一731双引擎轰鸣起来,产生一股强大的动力,推动着飞机向空中飞去。The Hawker 731's twin Garrett TFE-731 engines thundered, powering the plane skyward with gut-wrenching force.

那天拍的图片里,她站在一个小山顶上,向上用力地挥动自己的手臂。In a picture from that day, she's standing at the top of a small hill, her arms flung skyward in exhilaration.

进行山坡跑得关键是要将运动强度保持到和你公路跑或者小路上跑的时候一样。The key to running a hilly course well is to hold your effort level steady as the road or trail tilts skyward.