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我担心地打开了壁橱。I opened the closet with fearfulness.

我对探戈的激情掩饰着一个恐惧。My passion for tango disguises a fearfulness.

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这样的我,会让我自己都感觉到可怕。So of I, will let me all feel fearfulness by myself.

因为这种魅力恰恰说明了逝去的可怕。Because this kind of charm exactly showed passes fearfulness.

恐惧战兢归到我身,惊恐漫过了我。Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me.

恐惧让我浑身发抖,惊骇已经淹没了我。Fearfulness and trembling have come upon me, and horror hath overwhelmed me.

一些针对老鼠的研究表明哺乳动物确实在某种程度上继承恐惧情绪。What some studies done with mice indicate that mammals do inherit fearfulness to some degree.

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白羊,较其他火象元素鲜见一些,也被运用于克服依赖或者恐惧。Aries, or less often the other fire signs, also may be used to overcome dependency or fearfulness.

非同卵双胞胎也有此趋势但要相对弱一些,这说明了产生恐惧的遗传因素。Fraternal twins also shared a tendency towards fearfulness but the link was less strong, indicating a genetic component to fearfulness.

人类精神最好的情况下会聪明地管理成长的风险,而不似乎因为害怕和保守而逃避它们。The human spirit at its best is about managing the risks of growth intelligently, not avoiding them out of fearfulness and conservatism.

一个研究表明,恐惧确实有遗传学基础,但在孩子长大过程中,恐惧会发生几次变化。A tendency toward fearfulness does have genetic underpinnings, but those shift several times as children become adults, a study has found.

在不同时期对恐惧造成影响的不同基因现在还是未知的,这是由于这种恐惧决定基因改变的证据完全依赖于在不同时期同卵双胞胎恐惧联系的强度。The genes that contribute to fearfulness at different ages remain unknown, as evidence for the shift lies entirely in the strength of the links between fear levels in identical twins across time.