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我飞去马德里的。I flew to Madrid.

一只燕子飞过去了。A swallow flew past.

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母鹰飞走了。The mother flew away.

她飞奔上台阶。She flew up the steps.

整个白天,蓝鸟在飞。All day, Bluebird flew.

可能它是飞进来的。Well, maybe it flew in.

他沿街飞驰而去。He flew down the street.

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它一路飞进了我的卧室。It flew into my bedroom.

黑天使飞走了。The dark angel flew off.

阿黛勒朝窗子飞奔过去。Adele flew to the window.

一只大鸟从我们这儿飞过。A large bird flew past us.

那只猫扑向老鼠。The cat flew at the mouse.

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我们经上海飞回家。We flew home via Shanghai.

蓝松鸦把围巾系上去。Blue Jay flew in the scarf.

它们蹦跶着飞起来。They flew when they hopped.

我刚好要去北京。I just flew in from Beijing.

我尖叫起来,它飞走了。I screamed, and it flew off.

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坎德拉·肖飞那艘船?Kendra Shaw flew which ship?

我们乘飞机经巴黎去雅典。We flew to Athens via Paris.

一只蜜蜂在房间里飞来飞去。A bee flew about in the room.