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没有树荫。No shade.

这种植物喜阴处。The plant loves shade.

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多叶的树下有树荫。Leafy trees cast shade.

人们在我的绿荫下休息。People rest under my shade.

绿树成荫。The trees give welcome shade.

呆在背阴处吧--那儿凉快些。Stay in the shade it's cooler.

晓开帘,欲平檐。Xiao open shade to flat eaves.

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我们在树阴下休息一会儿吧。Let's rest a while in the shade.

甜美的糖果色调。The sweetest shade of sugarplum.

高大的树将花园遮荫了起来。The tall trees shade the garden.

那就遮上你的眼睛吧,彼得先生!Then shade your eyes, Mr. Peter!

那我们就在荫凉处战斗。Then we will fight in the shade.

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日间遮荫,夜间保护。A shade by day, defense by night.

光影附着在一切事物上。Light and shade are on everything.

这些树为人们提供荫凉。The trees afford a pleasant shade.

果不向阳难成熟。Fruit ripens not well in the shade.

阴凉处的果子不会成熟。Fruit ripens not well in the shade.

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她的演奏使我的相形失色。Her playing pats mine in the shade.

黎塞的阴影是马萨林。The shade of Richelieu was Mazarin.

它们是蓝色的They're some kind of shade of blue.