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只有疯子才犯这种令人发指的罪行。Only an insane person could perpetrate such a horrible crime.

它致力于动员公众舆论对实施滥用人权的个体施加压力。It works to mobilize public opinion which exerts pressure on individuals who perpetrate abuses.

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如果你这么做了,你就是在害阳性病毒携带者背负莫须有的罪名。Oh, and if you do so? You're just helping perpetrate that stigma that HIV-positive folks are boogeymen.

如果你们以年龄和性别来判断她的实力,那会犯下非常严重的错误。If you magistrate her real strenght with the old and the sex, namely will perpetrate a very serious error.

目前尚不清楚,虐待者的配偶和成年子女是否更有可能实施虐待。It is not yet clear whether spouses or adult children of older people are more likely to perpetrate abuse.

今天你可能停止去犯下非法行为,而发现明天你又提升进这样的模式。One may cease to perpetrate lawless conduct today only to find that one ascends into such patterning tomorrow.

事实上,所有提升者都既是光明也是黑暗,并一再对自我犯下了同样的伤害。In reality, all initiates are both light and dark, and perpetrate the same destruction perpetrated against them.

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再说,犯下这种身体攻击的行为一般都会被发现和面临起诉。At other times, one may not be able to perpetrate a physical attack without facing certain discovery and prosecution.

安全保卫不得煽动或施行暴力来对付任何公众或现场员工。On no occasion will security guards incite or perpetrate acts of violence against any member of the public or site personnel.

任何侵犯版权的活动,您选择犯下使用此应用程序是非法的,不道德的,和我们所能控制的。Any copyright-infringing activity you choose to perpetrate using this application is illegal, immoral, and beyond our control.

还会出现个体用户的隐私问题,如果恶意用户尝试破坏社交网络的话,那么也会引起巨大的问题。Privacy of individual users also arises and can create a huge problem if malicious users somehow manage to perpetrate the social networks.

为地球而聚集财富的愿景,只不过是黑暗制造来让你在提升之路上失败的幻觉。Such visions of amassing fortunes for earth are only illusions that the dark perpetrate to cause one to fail upon one's path of ascension.

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在数万站点上进行点击欺诈让侦测工作变得非常困难,但是这种诈骗方式也需要大量的人手来实施。Spreading the click fraud out across thousands of sites makes it harder to detect, but it also requires a lot more people to perpetrate it.

这本手册成了希特勒在德国掀起反犹太人行动的工具,在俄国革命后,成了激起对犹太人仇恨和暴力的罪魁祸首。It was instrumental to Hitler's anti-Jewish efforts in Germany and it was used after the Russian Revolution to perpetrate hatred and violence against Jews.

他周围的人必须明白,他们犯有暴力对付无辜的平民进行监测,他们将对此负责。Those around him have to understand that violence that they perpetrate against innocent civilians will be monitored and they will be held accountable for it.

偷梁换柱的义和成为神界天帝,但对逃走的夸父和后羿一直心存恐惧。Of perpetrate a fraud justice and become emperor of divine extent nature, but the Yi after be being mixed to runaway boast father all the time the heart puts fear.

人类是有意识的,但人类的意识还不足以洞悉黑暗力量藉由能量场制造有害,并从地球剥夺信息和遗传的问题。For humans are conscious, but not conscious enough to discern if forces of the dark perpetrate harm through the field and strip information and genetics from earth.

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在所有的问题中,这个问题是警方首要考虑的,他们试图重建为什么一个看上去正常的年轻人会犯下如此可怕的罪行。That question, among others, will be foremost in the minds of police as they attempt to establish what could have motivated an apparently normal young man to perpetrate an act of such horror.