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现在这个比例非常低。Now, it's infinitesimal.

不为零的无穷小时间间隔infinitesimal interval of time not yet 0.

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极限----微积分的合理性。Limit --- Reasonability of Infinitesimal Calculus.

而我们的生命,不过是转瞬即逝的一星微尘。And our lives are just the fleeting infinitesimal motes.

你在人群中渺小,在猪圈伟大!You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty!

可以说,数学分析就是无穷小分析。It can be said that mathematical analysis is infinitesimal analysis.

最后一个人可以完全流注自身于任何事物,不论多大或者多小。One can become fully absorbed in any object, whether vast or infinitesimal.

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如果汤里有盐的话,一定很少,我吃不出味道来。If there is any salt in this soup, it must be infinitesimal. I can't taste it.

本文给出无穷小拟合法的一般形式。In this paper, we give general form of equivalent infinitesimal fitting method.

无穷小涉及的范围广泛,有很多很好的性质。Infinitesimal is involved in a wide range, which has a lot of very good characters.

无论政府做多少努力来降低风险,都是远远不够的。No matter how much effort the government makes to ease the risks, it is infinitesimal.

在其有线之旅中,如此微不足道的文件是无关紧要的。In the wired portion of its journey, a file of such infinitesimal size is inconsequential.

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利用弱无穷小算子,我们找出了最优停时规则。We find optimal stopping rules by using the weak infinitesimal generator of markov process.

讨论了李群胚在流形上的作用及其无穷小作用。In this paper we discuss actions of Lie groupoids and their infinitesimal actions on manifolds.

它预测恒星会塌缩至无限小的点,但无法解释之后会发生什麽事。It predictsthatstars can collapse to infinitesimal points but fails to explain what happens then.

然后给出判定无穷多个无穷小之积是无穷小的两个定理。Then two theorems are given for judging a product of infinite infinitesimals being an infinitesimal.

她说话时,带着她母亲传给她的那种温柔细致的嘲笑语调。She spoke with that gentle infinitesimal inflexion of mockery which descended to her from her mother.

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本文利用积分公式研究了有边界子流形的无穷小变差。The infinitesimal variations of submanifold with boundary were studied by means of integral formulas.

定义质点的无穷小空间螺旋弧运动为质点的瞬时运动。And the infinitesimal spiral motion of a particle is defined as the instantaneous motion of the particle.

物理学将粒子视为无限小的这个“标准模式”观点,有些是带有基本力量的。The "standard model" of physics views particles as infinitesimal points, some of which carry basic forces.