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顺便说一下,这是一个CLIO入围。Incidentally, this one was a CLIO Finalist.

你入选皮尔斯博瑞烘焙大赛决赛了。You are a finalist in the Pillsbury Bake-Off.

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成为一名入围者也能吸引很多资助。Being a finalist can attract the support of other funders as well.

金牌最终是由两位决赛选手的体重决定的。The gold medal was finally decided by the weight of the two finalist.

另一名行政管理和预算局局长的候选人爱丽丝.瑞芙琳被我任命为副局长。I named the other finalist for the OMB job, Alice Rivlin, as Leons deputy.

在“布朗斯通友”被选为一间两百多个玩具决赛。The "Brownstone Buddies" were chosen as a finalist among more than two hundred toys.

在雷克雅未克,荷兰队以二比一战胜冰岛队后成为第一支欧洲决赛胜出的球队。Then the Netherlands becomes the first European finalist by beating Iceland 2-1 in Reykjavik.

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她把自己的项目登记参加1950年西屋科学竞赛,并获奖。She entered her project in the 1950 Westinghouse Science Talent Search and was named a finalist.

周蜜还曾3次跻身全英公开赛决赛,并于2003年斩获女单桂冠。Zhou is a 3-time finalist at the All-England Championships where she captured the title in 2003.

穆里尼奥谈论起关于参加了世界杯决赛的加拉斯的未来。Mourinho talked further about one of his most adaptable charges — World Cup finalist William Gallas.

李娜将会对阵捷克16号种子科维托娃争夺一个最终决赛席位。Australian Open finalist Li will take on Czech 16th seed Petra Kvitova for a place in Sunday's title match.

徐世琪亦入围杰出艺术奖及香港艺术中心20周年比赛。Su has also been nominated as finalist for both the Sovereign Art Prize and the HKAC 20th Anniversary Competition.

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1993年她关于索马里饥荒的报道在普利策新闻奖中进入决赛。She was a finalist in 1993 for the Pulitzer Prize in feature photography, for her coverage of the famine in Somalia.

17日晚上的舞台属于1999年澳网的亚军法国人毛瑞斯莫和去年的澳网亚军俄罗斯的天才萨芬。Amelie Mauresmo, the 1999 women's runner-up, and last year's beaten men's finalist Marat Safin will play night matches.

你也有机会成为参加决赛选手,因为在最后的投票前还有许多参赛名额等着你!You may also have a chance to win a finalist spot, as there are still more places to be filled before voting commences.

紧随着2007年“彩虹深处”首发专辑的发布,这是这位来自“英国达人”小康妮的第二张专辑。Following 2007's 'Over The Rainbow' this is the second full-length album from Britain's Got Talent finalist Connie Talbot.

太阳队充满惊喜而又令人振奋的旅程结束了,本赛季他们从一支乐透区队伍开始直到杀入西区决赛。It was the end of a surprising, exhilarating run for the Suns, who went from lottery team to Western Conference finalist in a year.

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宝瓶系统已经开始引起关注,并被冠以今年的可持续船舶奖的冠军。The Aquarius System has already started turning a few heads, as it was named a finalist in this year's Sustainable Shipping Awards.

总而言之,你是第一个打进大满贯决赛的亚洲选手。你有没有得到一些如何夺得首个大满贯的经验?Q. What was the overall experience to be close to being the first Asian to win a major championship? You're the first finalist anyway.

与德约科维奇和穆雷同在A组的是2007年总决赛冠军大卫·费雷尔和第二次出现在总决赛赛场上的托马斯·伯蒂奇。Murray and Djokovic are joined in Group A by 2007 finalist David Ferrer and Tomas Berdych, who is making his second consecutive appearance.