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两小时的放纵。Two hours of abandonment.

遗弃罪是一种传统型的犯罪。The crime of abandonment is a kind of traditional crime.

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玛丽.雪莱知道有关孤独和遗弃的滋味。Mary Shelley knew something about loneliness and abandonment.

不幸的是,被抛弃的愤怒并没有能够抑制爱情。Sadly, abandonment rage does not necessarily extinguish love.

你同样吸烟削尖削尖时刻以及你深爱的人的抛弃。You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love.

换句话说,不使用单独不构成放弃。In other words, nonuse does not constitute abandonment by itself.

从此阿信整日酗酒,自暴自弃。From now on days of A letter is whole excessive drinking, abandonment.

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她马上纵声哭倒在妹妹的怀里。She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment , in her sister's arms.

奥拉惧怕被抛弃和被背叛的心理,在这些谎言面前一触即溃。The lies played well to Aurra's natural fears of abandonment and betrayal.

本文阐述了船舶保险中委付的法律特征。This paper deals with the legal features of abandonment in ship insurance.

现在,遗弃残疾人被法律严令禁止。But now, any ill-treatment of abandonment is strictly prohibited by the law.

然而,二连贯年不使用提高放弃的推测。However, two consecutive years of non-use raise a presumption of abandonment.

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然后对井喷井进行洗井,并在井内设置水泥塞进行弃井。The blowout well is then cleaned out and a cement plug is set for abandonment.

你有没有过怕被你的家人、朋友和你的配偶抛弃的恐惧心理?Do you ever feel the fear of abandonment by your family, friends and your spouse?

这一定是有史以来最那什么的放弃了,所有的弃绝事物之母。That’s got to be the abandonment issue of all time. The Mother of All Abandonment

直到现在,瑞秋不感到多少时她放弃的问题。Until now, Rachel did not feel much when it comes to the issue of her abandonment.

被遗弃的愤怒同时也激发人们对于没有福利和子孙后代的恐惧。Abandonment rage also motivates people to fright for the welfare or their offspring.

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他告诉文崔斯温都就是该对抛弃她从前导师负责的人。He told her that Windu was responsible for the abandonment of her former Jedi mentor.

在每次弃船演习时,是否试验过用于集合与弃船的应急照明系统?Is emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment tested at each abandon ship drill?

这些专横都是背弃圣经基督教教义的直接后果。These tyrannies are all the direct result of the abandonment of Biblical Christianity.