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她心灵手巧。She is ingenuity.

她心灵手巧。She is a ingenuity girl.

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人类智能永远不会闲置的。Human ingenuity never idles.

那男孩在作玩具时表现了创造才能。The boy showed ingenuity in making toys.

锦绣的秋天是一位心灵手巧的小裁缝。Autumn is a beautiful little ingenuity tailor.

船型帽的装饰展现部落的巧思。This boat-shaped hat expresses tribal ingenuity.

他用尽各种巧妙办法使收支两抵。He uses his ingenuity as best he can to make ends meet.

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它有如人类智慧的丰碑,巍然屹立,岿然不动。It rose as a monument to human ingenuity immovably firm.

它们抑制我们的人民和企业的创造力。They suppress the ingenuity of our people and businesses.

作者别具匠心地设计了一个出人意料的结尾。The writer showed ingenuity in creating a surprising ending.

儿童在壆习语言时,发挥了极大的灵活性。The child brings TREMENDOUS INGENUITY to the task of learning.

最后,我们永远不能低估人类创造力的力量。Finally, we must never underestimate the power of human ingenuity.

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他那足智多谋的话语说明他是一位杰出的政治家。His ingenuity with words stamped his as an outstanding politician.

铁路之父詹天佑独具匠心筑路与创造。Railway father Zhan Tianyou showed ingenuity in building railways.

老先生和老夫人被她的乖巧骗住了。The old lady and gentleman were taken in by her cordial ingenuity.

他们真的信任母亲的聪明才智和奉献精神。And they are a real credit to their mother’s ingenuity and dedication.

别出心裁,绝不雷同,这是新凯骊产品的独特之道!Ingenuity and absolute dissimilarity characterize the product of Nkelly!

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缝纫、打版和画效果图的关键是心灵手巧。Ingenuity is key, as are sewing, pattern-making, and sketching abilities.

我佩服他们的想象力,并把这个想法归档以备将来之需。I admire the ingenuity and file away the idea for possible use in the future.

PopCap公司创始人还建议在市场定位时需要独特性。The PopCap founders also suggest some ingenuity when it comes to your market.