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噢,不会吧,他将镜子砸碎了。Oh no. He smashed it.

萧条的经济使他破产了。The depression smashed him.

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杯子掉在地板上摔碎了。The cup smashed on the floor.

花瓶打碎了。The vase is smashed to pieces.

无穷保险清障车。" Infinity Insurance "smashed.

他啪的一声把收音机摔得稀巴烂。He smashed the radio to pieces.

现在我们正在这样粉碎。N-now we're getting so smashed.

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玻璃杯打碎了。The glass is smashed to pieces.

他一怒之下摔烂了键盘。He smashed his keyboard in a rage.

船在礁石上撞碎了。The boat was smashed on the rocks.

我失手将盘子掉在地上摔碎了。I dropped the plate and it smashed.

所有的这些都打破了夏日的宁静。All of them smashed the summer calm.

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她失手把盘子掉在地上打碎了。She dropped the plate and smashed it.

是你手持化石砸向他的头部的。You smashed him over the head with it.

他的左腿膝盖以下部分也已经被砸碎了。He left leg was smashed below the knee.

她狂怒之下摔碎了盘子。She smashed the plate in a fit of rage.

大象在树林中横冲直撞。The elephant smashed through the trees.

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昨晚一辆货车撞在了这棵树上。A lorry smashed into the tree last night.

他又砸碎了甲壳虫的前灯和尾灯。He smashed the headlights and taillights.

乔用鞋子把那只大虫子踩个稀巴烂。Joe smashed the large bug under his shoe.