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那每一个壁龛里。In every niche in the wall.

网站在其所处行业是权威站点。The site is an authority in its niche.

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为了放浴缸,我们做了一个小的凹陷。We designed a little niche for the tub.

你打算向一个新的利基市场扩张吗?Ready to expand into a new niche market?

什么是小生捕捉一切要看你了。What Niche you capture is all up to you.

在我幼小的心灵,他有着一个特殊的地位。In my young mind, he had a special niche.

第五章是人才生态位的设定。The fifth part establishes the talent niche.

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通过搜索引擎或目录小生?。Through niche directories or search engines?

可以在墙上挖一个小洞放一小支蜡烛,这样就能得到照明。A little candle can rest in a niche for light.

玛德琳小心翼翼地把它放在岩石壁龛里。Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche.

一个大型室内贴袋和手机的利基。One large interior patch pocket and mobile niche.

因此科学在这个联合国系统里有一席之地。So there is a niche for science in the UN system.

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创建紧密的永久有效的访问你博客的途径Create close and ever-lasting access to your niche

三家国外展商都是小众品牌。The three foreign exhibitors are all niche brands.

你必须要对你的市场定位和它的未来发展有所感知。You must have a feel for your niche and its future.

自我剖析的书籍占有一席之地。Self-help books have carved quite a niche out of it.

即使是大公司都也要定位自己的产品市场。Even large companies find a niche for their products.

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这会不会是一个在今年完成腾飞的利基市场?Is that a niche that will finally take off this year?

设计看起来确实不错,但“大老板”是个利基市场。It looks really good but Big Boss is a niche product.

你可以通过把他们圈定在一个地方而把某个人赶走。You can chase someone away by setting them in a niche.