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此外,它还被情感要求和遵奉者的意见所辩护。Furthermore it is defended by use of emotional appeals and conformist arguments.

有时,在外国人的眼里,日本社会的这些行为规范显得陈旧,对它们的遵从到了过分的地步。Sometimes, to foreigners, Japan's societal rules seems orderly and conformist to a fault.

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他们十分在乎个人的权利,又习惯于墨守陈规。They are at the same time sensitive to the rights of the individual and habitual conformist.

反抗或非传统主义倾向时常也是一个特点,特别是当社会行星也牵入时。Rebellion or none conformist tendencies is often a feature, particularly when the social planets are involved.

那样可能是培养大批墨守成规的“中产阶级”技术专家的有效方法,但是并不能形成完整的人类。That may well be an effective way to producelegions of conformist "middle class" technocrats, but it's no way toproduce complete human beings.

但哈弗车主们也在以中国所独有的方式纵情展示个性——在一个循规蹈矩的社会里,利用汽车拓展个人边界。But the owners are also indulging a peculiarly Chinese sense of individuality, using cars to push the personal boundaries of a conformist society.

IBM的优势在于它响亮的并为人们所信赖的声誉。而乔布斯这个加州男孩,尚被IBM所代表的美国东岸的正统守旧文化所厌弃。IBM had the advantage of a well-known, trusted name, and Jobs — a California boy — loathed the kind of conformist East Coast culture it represented.

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除了因为墨守成规的含蓄,我可能暗示仅有一个男人,一个特殊的男人,可以给卵子受精。Aside from its conformist big-business connotations, I had possibly implied that there was only one man, some special Man who was used only for this purpose.

中国遵从规范的倾向可能还得归因于其流动的传承制度,这个制度允许成功的商人将利润投资于土地,进而成为地主阶级。China's conformist attitudes could be further attributed to its fluid heredity system that allowed successful merchants to invest their profits in land and enter the rural landlord class.

中国的领导阶层希望在遵从式教育模式下承受过重压力的中国学生能够富有想象力地思考问题,他们期望中国有朝一日能够结束在追赶别人中成长。The country's leadership was eager to encourage its over-pressured, conformist students to think more imaginatively, anticipating the day when China's catch-up growth would come to an end.

实际上,这种试图维持“现状”的顺从姿态,来源于某种心理,他们认为对代码的恐惧,以及无法掌控的事实都是合理的。Actually, this conformist posture that tries to maintain the "status quo" is the result of intent to rationalize the fear of confronting the code and the fact that you do not have control over it.