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在以前被称为中国醋栗是什么?What is chinese gooseberry called in ancient time?

不能依靠史密斯,他少不更事。Don't rely on Smith, he's as green as a gooseberry.

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我想让你们单独在一起,我肯定你们不想让我当电灯泡吧。I’ll leave you alone. I’m sure you don’t want me to play gooseberry.

带有荔枝,热情果,醋栗的果香,并伴随着淡淡的绿色芒果的香气。Nose of lychee, passion fruit and gooseberry with hints of green mango.

此款酒富含的热带水果,番石榴,醋栗及无花果的香气。An abundance of tropical fruit, guava, gooseberry and green fig flavors.

西番莲果,醋栗口味,并略带稀薄的草木香口感。Unfolds with flavors of passion fruit, gooseberry and subtle herbaceousness.

作为明尼苏达州访问量最大的公园,古兹伯里瀑布州立公园绝对名副其实。Minnesota’s most visited state park, Gooseberry Falls is a phenomenal location.

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醋栗与柠檬香草的芬芳浓郁而显著,并透出几许青辣椒的辛香。Dominated by gooseberry and lemongrass with underlying spicy green capsicum notes.

是一款有着淡淡的青草味和醋粟味及辛辣气息的美酒。A fine hint of herbs and spices accompanies alluring fruit-aromas of ripe gooseberry.

余味带有浓郁的醋栗种子和热带水果的香气。Gooseberry capsicum and tropical on a full, rich palate with a long sweet-fruited finish.

我的鹅莓长势喜人,除了一株由于锯蝇的攻击而出现问题。My gooseberries have grown well apart from one bush, which had an attack of gooseberry sawfly.

鹅感染白粉病的珍品,尤其在潮湿地区,但不常见于加州。Gooseberry mildew infects currants, especially in humid areas, but is not common in California.

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不要猕猴桃为主的产品后在晚上,因为它可能会影响您的美丽牙科线。Don't take gooseberry based products later in the night as it can affect your beautiful dental line.

我们就住在路边。过路人或外乡人常到我们家,尝尝我们家酿的醋栗酒。As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine.

藨菌。远亲共同藨,水牛醋栗大概接近鹅。Ribes aureum. A distant relative of the common Ribes , Buffalo Currant is probably closer to gooseberry.

充满新鲜的苹果、白桃、梨、醋栗和鲜花香气。中度酒体,果味满溢。The aroma displays uplifting freshness of apple, white peach, pear and gooseberry with underlying floral notes.

清澈活泼的口感,带有浓郁的新鲜柑橘和醋栗的馨香,平衡的酸感令人久久难忘。Very clean zingy palate, with fresh citrus and gooseberry flavors in abundance, and balanced lingering acidity.

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中华猕猴桃成片生长地集中于海拔600~800米的沟谷两旁。Groups of Chinese gooseberry were grown well on both sides of the mountain valleys 600-800 metres above sea level.

以猕猴桃皮渣为原料,研究盐析法提取猕猴桃皮渣中的果胶的工艺条件。The technological parameters for extracting pectin from Chinese gooseberry pomace by salting-out method was studied.

记住,当这些关于孩子们是从哪儿来的问题来了的时候,尽量避免提及醋栗树丛的事,保持冷静,加油。Remember, when those questions about where babies come from, try to avoid mentioning gooseberry bushes, and keep calm and carry on!