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爬山虎在墙上蔓延。Boston ivies crawl along the wall.

船在直布罗陀上煤。The ship called at Boston to coal.

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他一个人把诗歌带去了波士顿北部。He alone moves poetry north of Boston.

在这个系列赛中,凯尔特人没能挺住。In this series, Boston couldn’t keep up.

这就是波士顿马拉松赛的起点That's where The Boston Marathon starts.

她曾有一段时间在波斯顿开餐馆。For a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston.

在一尊伟大的雕像脚下种一颗爬墙虎。Plant a Boston ivy beneath a great statuary.

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波士顿也一样,费城也差不多情况Same in Boston. Close to that in Philadelphia.

00摄氏度,但沸点与气压有关。It depends whether you're in Denver or you're in Boston.

是波士顿一家地方台。So this is one of the local channels here around Boston.

松坂他在红袜期间会赢得赛扬奖吗?Will Matsuzaka win a Cy Young during his time in Boston?

但是在这里,波士顿是一个大城市。And here it's, we're pretty much in Boston which is a city,

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有30家学位授予机构也就是学校,在波士顿地区。There are 30 degree-granting institutions in the Boston area.

雷阿伦射落14分,隆多则为凯尔特人贡献了12次助攻。Ray Allen scored 14 and Rajon Rondo had 12 assists for Boston.

2009年12月Boston与另一组科考队重返洞穴。In December 2009 Boston returned to the cave with another team.

随后他们把自由号停泊在汉考克的码头。They then landed the liberty at John Hancock's wharf in Boston.

在本赛季的季后赛中,凯尔特人在主场取得10胜-1负,客场仅为2胜-7负。Boston is 10-1 at home and 2-7 on the road in this year's playoffs.

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凯子狠狠的揍了一顿那些不能很快处理球的球队。Boston punishes teams that don't make quick decisions with the ball.

所有人都知道湖人比凯子更年轻,板凳深度更深。Everyone knows the Lakers have superior depth and youth than Boston.

我在哪里可以看电影的勾魂网上免费全速?Where can I watch The Boston Strangler movie online free full stream?