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什么是可憎的诅咒!What an execrable curse!

他的上衣不堪入目。His coats were execrable.

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她总是对男人有着极差的品味。She always has execrable taste in men.

冬天的巴黎真是一个可恶的地方!An execrable place in the winter, Paris!

他站在桌前,用他那拙劣的笔迹吃力地写着。He stood at the desk, labouring in his execrable handwriting.

然而在生活事务的各方面,利益是可恶的价值准则。Convenience is, however, in all affairs of life an execrable test of value.

你这种恬不知耻、疯狂,既可怜又可恨的狂妄态度究竟有什么根据呢?On what foundation does your bold, MAD, pitiable, and execrable arrogance rest?

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到处都是屋顶,铺得很整齐、很叫人讨厌的屋顶,除此之外一无所有。There are nothing but roofs everywhere, laid out with execrable geometric cunning.

挖掘现场环境恶劣,操作人员不宜在现场工作。Digging locale's environment is execrable , so it is unsuitable for operator's fieldwork.

数十万的市民告别了环境恶劣的危陋平房,走进宽敞明亮的住宅社区。Thousands of citizens left execrable and dangerous bunkhouses and entered into spacious residence area.

不管她的想法有多么的可怕,但如果说她是其它的什么职业,譬如,机动车管理局的职员的话,那么事情也许会不一样。As execrable as her comments were, it might be a different matter if McAllister were, say, a Department of Motor Vehicles clerk.

矿山机械的工况条件非常恶劣,必须有较高的可靠性和较低的故障率。As the serving conditions are very execrable , mining &processing equipment must have higher reliability and lower breakdown rate.

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近代福州地区兴起的小保险,属于人寿保险范畴,在当时恶劣环境下兴盛一时。In modem Fuzhou, small insurance industries which belongs to life insurance category rose and flourished in spite of the execrable environment.

油管的工作环境较差,受力复杂,要求螺纹联接可靠、密封性好。The servicing environment of tubing is very execrable and bears complicated forces, which needs reliable connection and excellent hermetic seal.

遥机器人系统可广泛应用于高空探索、深海开发、远程作业或者是人类难以到达的危险、恶劣的作业环境中。Telerobot system can be widely used in high altitude exploration, deep-ocean exploitation, remote task or dangerous and execrable task environment.

由于本开关电源系统应用环境恶劣,在硬件电路设计时,分析了电磁兼容问题,从硬件设计上保证了系统工作稳定性。This SMPS is applied in execrable circumstances, so when designing the hardware circuit, EMC problem is also discussed, which insures the SMPS system working stability.

由于工况恶劣、受力情况复杂,按传统方法对挡板槽帮进行优化,效果并不理想。The baffle as the important part of middle pan exists execrable and complicated going, so it is not better using traditional experience formula method to optimize middle pan.

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我往前走着,不知道身在何处,后来为那些可恶的“野胡”所困,还是它把我救了出来。That upon a quarrel among us, I was set on shore on this coast, where I walked forward, without knowing whither, till he delivered me from the persecution of those execrable Yahoos.

履带式移动机器人不同于一般的轮式移动机器人,它能通过各种复杂的地形,并且可以工作在恶劣的环境下,代替人完成执行一些具有危险性的工作。Tracked mobile robot is different from the wheeled robot, it can pass all kinds of complex terrain, and can work in execrable environment, instead of the people to complete the dangerous work.