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他这批货囤得很及时。His hoarding came just in time.

并非我们所见到的一切都值得储藏。Not all we see is worth hoarding.

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这都是因为将水蓄起。This has been achieved by hoarding the water.

世界上最大的欧赔广告牌World's largest Advertising Hoarding for Betfair

我知道博古家里还藏着一罐可可。I knew Po Ku was hoarding a tin of cocoa in his hut.

大肆囤地使一些开发商赢得了“地王”的称号。Rapacious hoarding earned some the title of land kings.

最后,必须驱逐有关储蓄的凯恩斯主义迷思。Finally, the Keynesian myth of hoarding must be dispelled.

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哪里有铜矿,中国就会跑去哪里,实际上中国正在囤积铜。Anycu anywhere it will gobble it in fact China is hoarding cu.

他有把报纸上感兴趣的内容剪下来收集的习惯。He had the habit of hoarding newspaper cuttings that interested him.

美国第一女儿回应对她囤积纳税人铜板的指控。The first daughter responds to charges of hoarding taxpayer nickels.

正常来说,投机倒把是通过增加库存量来推动商品价格增长。Normally, speculation drives up commodity prices by promoting hoarding.

大蒜价格的疯涨主要是由一些人的囤积居奇引起的。The price hike in garlic was mainly caused by hoarding and profiteering.

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如果人们不把食物储藏起来,按天算会有足够的食物供应。There would be enough food on a daily basis if people were not hoarding.

打击囤积居奇、扰乱市场的行为,维护市场秩序。Crack down on hoarding and disturb the market, safeguarding market order.

恐慌性的购买和囤积正在发生,忠于集体的特性正在经受考验。There is panic buying and hoarding. Loyalty to the group is being tested.

银行业一直在加快步伐囤积现金。Banks, too, have been increasing the pace at which they are hoarding cash.

他还将政府禁止开发商囤积土地的政策比喻为干涉婚姻。He also compares the anti-land hoarding policy to interference in a marriage.

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消费者将他们的钱储蓄起来,公司也将其投资计划予以搁置。Consumers are hoarding their cash, companies are mothballing investment plans.

过来看,大蒜奇货可居,有人以此暴富。Come and see. Some became millionaires for hoarding garlic as a rare commodity.

铁路职工一旦被发现私自囤票或与黄牛勾结,都将被开除。Any rail staff found hoarding tickets or selling them to scalpers would be fired.