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豌豆过熟就会爆裂。Pea pods burst open when overripe.

他们把那些熟得过透的苹果扔掉。They rejected the apples that were overripe.

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这些熟透了的香蕉果肉结实,正是吃的时候。The overripe ones are firm and just right for eating.

人生盛年是处于青涩和过孰之间的短暂时光。The prime of life is that fleeting time between green and overripe.

采用这种方式的葡萄会变得非常成熟而形成脱水的状态。In this method the grapes become overripe and dehydrate on the vine.

因为香蕉释放乙烯,导致其他水果过熟。They release ethylene, which can cause other fruit around them to overripe.

在比人头高的平台上放些扎了洞的过熟香蕉。Put out some overripe bananas with a few holes on a platform above head level.

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太熟的蕃茄应该冰在冰箱,在那里可以将他们保存2或3。Overripe tomatoes should in the refrigerator, where they will keep for 2 or 3 days.

切忌将育亨宾与含有酪胺的食物,如奶酪,葡萄酒,熟透的水果等混用。Do not mix yohimbine with foods containing tyramine, like cheese, wine, and overripe fruit.

这句早就烂熟于心的话,时刻激励着我要多读书,读好书!Long sentence, if overripe in mind, always inspired me to read more books, read good books!

橡木桶的少许橡木香味伴着淡淡的水果清香。A fruity wine with gentle notes of overripe fruit combined with just the right touch of wood.

试图把一些熟得快要烂的水果卖给我妻子,但是即刻遭到了我妻子的严厉斥责。The greengrocer tried to sell my wife some overripe fruit, but she soon told him where to get off.

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这些可以让你的呼吸气味怪异,像指甲油和熟菠萝的混合。These can make your breath smell funky—some describe it as a combination of nail polish and overripe pineapples.

您不想发生的是他们获得了与衰老果菜篮水果和蔬菜。What you don't want to happen is they receive the fruit and vegetable basket with overripe fruit and vegetables.

当她第一次看到我,她的脸刷地一下变得通红,如同一枝熟透了的西红柿,我们伟大的爱情从此拉开了序幕。When she first saw me, her face suddenly changed into red , like an overripe tomato, our wonderful love began from then on.

太熟蕃茄可以直接剥皮,将刀子放在番茄与拇指之间并刺穿入它的外皮。Overripe tomatoes can be peeled directly, by piercing the skin with a knife and grasping it between the thumb and blade it off.

接着,我们要包围并逐渐破坏美国,它就会像一个成熟的果子一样,毫无反抗地落入我们手中。After that, we shall surround and undermine the U. S. A. , which will fall into our hands without a struggle-like an overripe fruit.

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英语国家对欧洲的理论烂熟于心,但是,他们就是产生不了欧洲那样的理论和理论家。English-speaking countries of Europe, the theory of overripe in mind, but they just could not produce that kind of theories and theorists in Europe.

切忌将育亨宾与含有酪胺的食物,如奶酪,葡萄酒,熟透的水果等混用。也许会引发高危并可能致命的高血压危象。Do not mix yohimbine with foods containing tyramine, like cheese, wine, and overripe fruit. It can cause a dangerous, and potentially fatal, reaction called hypertensive crisis.

咖啡果必须在深红色的时候摘下来,而且需要大量人手和时间,把未熟和太熟的果实分开,9月是越南咖啡的收成季节。Coffee cherries must be picked when they are a deep red, and a lot of time and hands are needed to separate out the unripe and overripe ones. September is coffee harvest time in Vietnam.