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他向她倾吐了内心深处的秘密。He confided his innermost secrets to her.

同样地,让我们从最里面的表达式开始。Again, let's start in the innermost expression.

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让我们从圆括号的最里面开始。Let's start from the innermost set of parentheses.

太阳系中最靠内的水星位于金星右下方。Innermost planet Mercury is below Venus, to the right.

你必须知道暗黑破坏神内在的圣域是隐藏在五个封印后面。Know that Diablo 's innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals.

在所有人、所有众生的内在,自我是最根本的本质。In all persons, all creatures, the Self is the innermost essence.

人的内心很贪婪,而又是最脆弱的地方。Human's innermost feelings are very greedy, and is the frailest place.

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尚内箍耶行星每四点六工迣一圞﹐质量像木星。The innermost planet orbits every4.6 days and has the mass of Jupitor.

从教堂的深处传来了一阵钟声,要人们忏悔。From the innermost recess of the church the bell tolled for repentance.

小圆是花键的最小齿形面的排斥圆。Minor Circle is the circle formed by the innermost surface of the spline.

在接下来的表达式中,从最里面的表达式开始会很有用。In the next expression, it is useful to start in the innermost expression.

我想让你知道,医生,你伤害了我内心深处的感情。‘I want you to understand, doctor, you are hurting my innermost feelings.’

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还未等我说出口,你就猜测到我的内心想法,知道我要说什么。You guess my innermost thoughts, the words before they are out of my mouth.

用顽强的意志力,把内心的自律意识化为行动。With the staunch willpower, change into the innermost feeling to the actions.

我内心蓄满了辛酸,无比地怜昔你的夭折!My innermost feelings gathered full bitter and incomparably pity for your young past!

就连我们太阳系最里面的行星水星,离太阳也有3600万英里。Even Mercury, the innermost planet of our solar system, is 36 million miles from the sun.

从最内部的括号开始阅读声明,向右看,然后向左看。Start reading the declaration from the innermost parentheses, go right, and then go left.

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哈他瑜伽需要身体、心智、能量和你的最内在核心的共同参与。Hata yoga demands a certain involvement of your body, mind, energy and the innermost core.

和息者深入沟通,了解息者的疾苦和内心想法。With rest thorough communication, understanding rest hardship and innermost feelings idea.

手提包落在了屋里,公寓的钥匙就放在包最里面的口袋里。The handbag, with he key to the flat tucked into its innermost pocket, had been left inside.