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另外,伊朗4-1战胜土库曼斯坦Elsewhere, Iran beat Turkmenistan 4-1.

经过认证,土库曼斯坦迈入了没有疟疾行列。Turkmenistan is certified as malaria-free.

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土库曼加盟共和国脱离了苏联。The Republic of Turkmenistan disjointed from USSR.

贺国强建议加强与土库曼斯坦的经贸联系。Official proposes to enhance trade ties with Turkmenistan.

土库曼斯坦独立纪念碑前的雕像。Statue in front of monument to Independece of Turkmenistan.

2010年,摩洛哥和土库曼斯坦被宣布为无疟疾国。Morocco and Turkmenistan were declared malaria-free in 2010.

缅甸,古巴,利比亚,北朝鲜,土库曼斯坦。Myanmar, Cuba, Eritrea, Libya, North Korea and Turkmenistan.

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土库曼的天然气主要分布于卡拉库姆盆地。The gas of Turkmenistan is distributed mainly in the Karakum basin.

中方愿积极协助土方建立孔子学院。China stands ready to help Turkmenistan establish Confucius institutes.

布瑞达斯以一份邮件声明道,石油公司扔拥有土库曼斯坦和北非油田的拥有权。Bridas also owns rights over fields in Turkmenistan and Northern Africa.

温家宝是在结束对土库曼斯坦正式访问后来到明斯克的。Wen arrived in Minsk after concluding his official visit to Turkmenistan.

中亚国家土库曼斯坦是目前公认的“汗血宝马”原产地。Central Asian countries Turkmenistan is currently accepted "blood BMW" origin.

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土方愿继续积极与中方发展友好合作关系。Turkmenistan expects to continue to develop the friendly cooperation with China.

土库曼斯坦总统别尔德穆哈梅多夫主持会议并发表讲话President of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamedov Chairs the Conference and Delivers Remarks

在这个节选片段中,萨布伦叙述了他在土库曼斯坦马雷市度过的第一晚的见闻。In this extract, Thubron describes his first evening in the city of Mari, in Turkmenistan.

朱利亚尔说,北韩和土库曼斯坦都在侵犯新闻自由情况最恶劣的国家之列。Julliard says North Korea and Turkmenistan are among the worst violators of press freedoms.

不过,哈萨克斯坦和土库曼斯坦还达成协议,将在俄罗斯以北建设一条输气管道。However, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have also agreed to build a gas pipeline north to Russia.

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此外,阿富汗和土库曼斯坦也将作为主席国客人应邀出席。Moreover, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan are also invited to attend as guests of the host nation.

土库曼斯坦是欧俄能源战略争夺的焦点。Turkmenistan recently becomes the focus of the competition between EU-Russia energy strategies.

出席签字仪式的还有土政府和军队的主要领导人。Those present at the ceremony also include major leaders of the Turkmenistan government and army.