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东陶以及其产品已经成为现代化的一个标志。Toto and its products became a symbol of modernisation.

你觉得伦敦的现代化进程如何?What do you think of the modernisation that is going on in London?

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这个的确是当前需要,军队现代化时不我待。Indeed this is need of the hour can't wait or pause the modernisation for anbyody.

中国在现代化过程中面临的挑战不容小觑。The scale of the modernisation challenge facing the PRC should not be underestimated.

板定梁煤矿的经营者称,政府让他们选择,要么进行现代化改革,要么关门大吉。Managers at Bandingliang say they have been given a choice of modernisation or closure.

正因为面对这样的安全形势,首尔方面将空军的现代化升级提到很高的优先级。Given this security backdrop, Seoul places a high priority on the modernisation of the ROKAF.

CSOC也能从海外进口设备,进行合作生产、舰船现代化改装和维修。CSOC can also import equipment from abroad, and undertake co-production, ship modernisation and repair.

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这并并不能归功于政府的限制,而应归功于现代化及个人对小家庭的渴望。This is thanks not to government limits but to modernisation and individuals' desire for small families.

既然印度可以在政治上现代化,它也可以振作精神开展经济现代化。If India has modernised itself politically it may be inspired to undertake economic modernisation as well.

之后,中国的军队现代化占据了越来越优先的地位,这都是拜两次美国的军事演习所赐。Later military modernisation became more of a priority, thanks to two demonstrations of American firepower.

这种情况反过来似乎违背现代化经典理论最神圣的教规。And this, in turn, appears to violate one of the most sacred canons of the classical theory of modernisation.

为了实现现代化的目标,全国烟草总公司还采取措施降低香烟在在机器检测下的可测得焦油量。As part of the CNTC modernisation strategy, efforts are under way to reduce tar levels under machine testing.

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基础设施和服务的升级和现代化,应该和机构改革携手并进。Upgradation and modernisation of infrastructure and services must go hand in hand with organisational reform.

“由于投入相对不足,影响了我军现代化建设的速度,”姜鲁鸣少将写道。“Due to a relative lack in funding, the pace of our military's modernisation has suffered,” said Maj Gen Jiang.

彻底的现代化将会对其造成极大的威胁,因为一个更健全的机制会增大以权谋私的难度。Serious modernisation threatens them because it would require stronger institutions that would make this harder.

“由于投入相对不足,影响了我军现代化建设的速度,”姜鲁鸣少将写道。"Due to a relative lack in funding, the pace of our military's modernisation has suffered, " said Maj Gen Jiang.

他谈到了改革和现代化,也许在那时俄国可以最终驶离可悲的克格勃掌权的轨道。He talked of reform and modernisation. Perhaps, then, Russia was finally moving away from its lugubrious KGB track.

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俄罗斯是世界第二大武器出口国,但其基础设施需要进行深入的现代化工作。Russia is the second largest exporter of weapons in the world, but its infrastructure needs in-depth modernisation.

电车公司原有服务改善计画的进度,因削减加幅而拖慢。The cut down of the fare increment resulted in the postponement of the modernisation program by Hong Kong Tramways.

那么,近几个月的磨难,是否已进一步推迟了中国金融市场的开放和现代化进程?So have the tribulations of recent months delayed the opening and modernisation of China's financial market even more?