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软弱无力的人不会保卫他自己的家。The pusillanimous man would not defend his own family.

他的胆怯促使他未能援助被行抢的老人。His failure to help the old man who was being robbed was pusillanimous.

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虽然许多的非洲政府仍然优柔寡断,但是也开始反对他的领导了。African governments, though many are still pusillanimous , are turning against him.

在这个时候,也只有韩国的懦弱表现才避免了这场一触即发的暴力对抗。Only the South’s pusillanimous response avoided a potentially violent confrontation this time.

优柔寡断的经理人往往抱怨,他们削减此类开支是因为受到目光短浅的投资者的压力。Pusillanimous managers complain that they're forced to make these cuts by short-term oriented investors.

获得了创造自由的工具却不敢或懒得去创造自由,这是上帝所不允许的。God forbid that we should get the implements with which to fashion our freedom, and then be too lazy or pusillanimous to fashion it.

他深感愧疚,然而,美国不可能信奉“像伊拉克那样的法律统治的国家”这样的信条。He regretted, however, that the United States was unlikely to impose “the rule of law in countries like Iraq,” partly because of “a pusillanimous fear of military casualties.

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然而,美国一部分因为“对军队伤亡率的怯懦”,以致无法将法制强加于像伊拉克这样的国家而让他感到遗憾。He regretted, however, that the United States was unlikely to impose "the rule of law in countries like Iraq, " partly because of "a pusillanimous fear of military casualties.

然而,美国一部分因为“对军队伤亡率的怯懦”,以致无法将法制强加于像伊拉克这样的国家而让他感到遗憾。He regretted, however, that the United States was unlikely to impose “the rule of law in countries like Iraq, ” partly because of “a pusillanimous fear of military casualties.”

中庸、合作、妥协以及两党关系则是昔日优柔寡断和无法赢得大选的“悲凉无望的领导班子”的残缺写照。Moderation, cooperation, compromise, and bipartisanship are lame reflections of a pusillanimous past and of a "pathetic and exhausted leadership" incapable of winning elections.